Plans for today (2024)

One thing you'll find out about TastyReuben is how he strongly dislikes most seafood, except for fish n chips and tinned tuna!
Oh dear - I love seafood and always have prawns and mussels (both frozen and pickled) on hand and I normally have either a dressed crab or crabs claws in the freezer along with some cockles (which are my favourite seafood) all ready to defrost when I fancy them!
Just got back from taking my pedicurist a jar of sourdough starter and some other goodies for her bread making endeavors, then went and found some overripe bananas for .25 cents per pound to make banana bread with using some of my starter discard (I have to feed my starter jars tonight but already have some discard saved up in the fridge). Getting ready to put a bandaid on one of my toes and go for a walk in the park! After that we are doing a late lunch dining assignment close by, then I will come home, write my report, and make banana bread...probably will have salads again tonight for dinner. I am not minding trying this slightly healthier lifestyle, hoping I can keep it up!
Oh dear - I love seafood and always have prawns and mussels (both frozen and pickled) on hand and I normally have either a dressed crab or crabs claws in the freezer along with some cockles (which are my favourite seafood) all ready to defrost when I fancy them!
Oh me too. I grew up on the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida panhandle and was fishing from a very early age. I love fresh seafood so much! I now live in Ohio and I am landlocked but in modern times it's easier to get fresh seafood than it was probably 40 years ago.
Oh me too. I grew up on the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida panhandle and was fishing from a very early age. I love fresh seafood so much! I now live in Ohio and I am landlocked but in modern times it's easier to get fresh seafood than it was probably 40 years ago.
Not too many fishmongers around these days and the one nearest me only has frozen seafood. Still, it's better than the seafood from the supermarkets and all great with a slice of crusty bread and butter!
Erm, is it bad that I've never tried Avocado before?
Nothing is bad when it comes to personal food tastes. I love avocado though and will eat it with just salt. I've never eaten blood pudding or haggis before and never will. Pretty sure TastyReuben has never had a prawn before but can't be certain. I know he's not had avocado though. To each their own!
Nothing is bad when it comes to personal food tastes. I love avocado though and will eat it with just salt. I've never eaten blood pudding or haggis before and never will. Pretty sure TastyReuben has never had a prawn before but can't be certain. I know he's not had avocado though. To each their own!
I love a good black pudding (I think that's what you mean by blood pudding) - I avoid the supermarket ones as they're full of sugar making them taste sweet, one from a butchers is best and tastes delicious! Like you say, we all have different tastes.
I love a good black pudding (I think that's what you mean by blood pudding) - I avoid the supermarket ones as they're full of sugar making them taste sweet, one from a butchers is best and tastes delicious! Like you say, we all have different tastes.
Yes I don't know what I meant lol. Maybe I was thinking blood sausage. I don't think I'd be eating anything with blood in it ..I do like marrow though.
Oh dear - I love seafood
Don’t worry, I love Bisto, so it all works out. :laugh:

Pretty sure @TastyReuben has never had a prawn before but can't be certain
I was chasing a girl many years ago… and we were alone in her little apartment… and I felt it was time to confess the firmness of my feelings for her…among other things…and she was deep-frying some shrimp in her kitchen…and she stuck one of the little 🤬 in mouth!

I assumed that was Jesus telling me she wasn’t the girl for me, so after taking…oh, I don’t know…30 or 40 other runs at her, I gave up.

Rosa Torres, wherever you are, I still think of you and your shrimpy fingers whenever I skip past the frozen seafood section… 😌
We were supposed to go to the last Oktoberfest today, but not with my back the way it is - just making a simple breakfast this morning was murder.

I was also hoping to knock out an onion dish…I have to figure out the simpler of the two I have left, and then see if I’m up to it.
So since it isn't from a recent injury and just happened sporadically, I am wondering if you have any inflammation at all? If there is inflammation and swelling, cold packs (although not comfortable) are a good option, and if no, use heat. Do not use heat if there is swelling, that actually draws fluid to the area and makes the swelling worse (which impinges the nerve even more). Also having a small pillow to support the lumbar region when you are sitting will help. I was a massage therapist when I lived in Florida so I do know quite a bit about it. What causes it can vary.
I am heading up to the Italian American Club for an after wine-making cookout shortly. There will be sausage and pepper sandwiches using the sausage that my DH makes with his cousins each year, plus antipasta, pasta and homemade meatballs, and the other usuals. And wine, of course! And I am taking banana bread. Which isn't really a great fit with the IA themed foods being served but no one will turn it down, LOL.

About 80 years ago my husband's grandfather and his 4 brothers founded an Italian American Club about 14 miles from our house. My husband's grandfather inherited his father's wine press that came over with him from Italy, and the brothers made wine together. The original wine press has been retired and a larger and more efficient press was implemented quite some years ago, but my husband and his cousins carry on the tradition, though they have access to better grapes these days (trucked in from California wine country). My husband's oldest living cousin really has a knack for picking the right grapes and monitoring sugar levels, etc., as did my DH's father, and now the knowledge is being passed to DH (he has been making wine with the family for the past 20 years now).

And now our youngest daughter and her husband have taken an interest in it as our son isn't. YD and new husband drove all the way from Indianapolis, Indiana yesterday (nearly 5 hours away) and are up at the club right now helping out with the wine-making. She and her husband will drive back to Indianapolis early tomorrow morning and she has to work all week, then they head to Ireland a week later to start their honeymoon!

Okay, gotta go get dressed and get moving!
About 80 years ago my husband's grandfather and his 4 brothers founded an Italian American Club about 14 miles from our house.
Those culture clubs are great, and a real source of community, I’m glad it’s taken off like that. I hope it goes on for decades more.

We have several German-American ones in Cincy, we’ve belonged to a few over the years, and we still attend many of the events.
Those culture clubs are great, and a real source of community, I’m glad it’s taken off like that. I hope it goes on for decades more.

We have several German-American ones in Cincy, we’ve belonged to a few over the years, and we still attend many of the events.
As recent as 5 decades ago I wouldn't have been allowed in!

Okay leaving now!
I'm lost about which you wouldn't have been allowed in and why?
I'm not of Italian descent and it was rare for Italian Americans back then to marry non-IAs, plus the club back then was for the men. Women started coming in over the past few decades but it was mostly for parties and special events, and a single non-Italian woman (or man for that matter) wouldn't have been allowed to join (I would have gotten a pass for being married to an IA). Gender equality was slow coming into the IA community, at least here and you had to have some Italian blood up until about 10 years ago.

Back in the late 60s to early 70s I might have been allowed to come wash dishes or something lol, but being non-Italian I wouldn't have been invited to help cook, since how would I have possibly known how to make pasta or sauce properly?

Times have changed.
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