Plans for today (2024)

Went to bed at 4AM, back up at 9AM, then out to get MrsT her requested last of the apple cider, cider doughnuts, and apple fritters (those last two are destined for the freezer).

Good god almighty, it’s the last weekend of the Ren Faire…the traffic made a 35-minute drive a 75-minute torture session - there’s something about a middle-of-nowhere traffic jam that’s twice as irritating as a city one.
Yesterday has been my last working day so I am going to have two whole weeks off ahead before starting the new job in Ireland ☘️

The sun is shining this morning after several days of heavy showers, now going out for a cappuccino, then a walk through the countryside
Sounds lovely, ENJOY!
Normal work stuff plus covid and flu jab today.
Then taking a mudguard I had chromed back to the chromers because when I finally unwrapped it I could see it was quite marked 😞
Hope they're going to be alright about sorting it out 🤞

Then back onto the land registry about my mums house deeds and start writing the hand over email for one of my brothers to take their turn in my mums care. This is unlikely to go well or smoothly but is a necessary step for all involved to keep their sanity!

I usually try to think of something nice to do to try and level up a miserable job day but so far I'm coming up blank!
Usual stuff. Heading into town to pick up some meds. I need to do a freezer inventory and see what I need to purchase for the first of my challenge recipes (expecting that on Wednesday or Thursday).

MrsT is back tomorrow. Busy workweek, I already know I’m working at least one evening and Saturday, and I’m on call this week.
Update on the plans.

Got jabbed, tried to bite my tongue about the nervy pharmacist’s injection technique but at the end I just had to (nicely) tell him it was dangerous to try and re-sheath used needles (so very easy to get a needlestick injury that way) and he really didn’t didn’t need to be putting himself at risk of things like hepatitis or aids.
He took the information on board quite gratefully which made me feel better because you’re always thinking you should say nothing rather than cause offence in these situations!

Then off to the platers about the chrome mudguard. They were sooo nice. Took it back straight away, couldn’t be more apologetic!

Shoved the land registry job and the email onto tomorrow’s list and went to the supermarket to buy pizza ingredients instead. Felt like a win!


I need to start to work out how this set-up is going to fit into here


I had to remove everything off the desk and the bookshelves in order to take my exams... the chair will go back where the desk was, which means my orchids can go back into the corner which they love.
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