Plans for today (2024)

I'll have to get creative and invent something.
I made some curry powder, put it in little pots and posted it on Instagram to see if I can sell it.
Tried on 7 or 8 old suits to see if I get rid of them or not. Haven't used a suit in about 6-7 years.
Cleaned the kitchen and the living room, then swept the drive.
Got a call about 11am, re. a goat meat biryani for Friday. Oohh! Work!!
10 minutes later, no goat. We tried almost a dozen purveyors - no goat, so we offered lamb.
"Don't want lamb"
End of event on Friday.
Played scrabble online for about an hour, then went and made a quiche with some fridge leftovers.
That was about as creative as I got today.
Tomorrow, however, is wife's Canasta day, so... MORE montaditos!
Plans for tomorrow.
I'm torn about what to do tomorrow.
I've have a thai massage booked at 10.30am and I really badly need it. My neck is so stiff I’m waking up with shooting pain from my neck right into my brain. It really hurts so I don't want to delay.

But the author of the route 66 book I'm currently reading just happens to be making his usual motorcycle programme 20 mins from here and a private invite to a women's motorcycle group I belong to has gone out to meet up.

I'm not interested in being on television one bit, in fact I really wouldn't like it but I would really like to pick his brains about some of the things in his book.

So I don't know, stay in pain and chance getting to annoy someone trying to make a motorcycle programme or get a brutal massage to fix me asap? I'm not sure 🤷‍♀️

EDIT: Decided! I used the knobbly bobbly rotating torture device on my neck and shoulders and have managed to ease off the worse of it so I’ve re-booked the massage for Thursday morn and will join the girls for an episode of ‘The Motorcycle Show’

Now to decide which bike to take, that could take the rest of the day!
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MrsT returns today, so giving the house a light touch-up, and I do have to run into town to pick up some stuff from the dry cleaners (which I forgot to do yesterday), and I have two crap meetings today.

Funny meetings story - we have a new manager’s-manager’s-manager (I don’t even know exactly where he fits in), and I really dislike this guy. He interrupts people constantly, and his entire demeanor is one of intense rudeness.

I’ve been stuck on several meetings with him the last couple of weeks, and I’ve just about had it. Yesterday, I was on another meeting, he wasn’t there (thank god), but someone mentioned his name, and I thought to myself, “God, I really hate that guy…I mean I really 🤬 hate the 🤬!”

That’s when one of the other attendees started laughing and said, “Haha, tell us how you really feel, why don’t you?!” - I’d said it out loud without thinking! :laugh:
MrsT returns today, so giving the house a light touch-up, and I do have to run into town to pick up some stuff from the dry cleaners (which I forgot to do yesterday), and I have two crap meetings yesterday.

Funny meetings story - we have a new manager’s-manager’s-manager (I don’t even know exactly where he fits in), and I really dislike this guy. He interrupts people constantly, and his entire demeanor is one of intense rudeness.

I’ve been stuck on several meetings with him the last couple of weeks, and I’ve just about had it. Yesterday, I was on another meeting, he wasn’t there (thank god), but someone mentioned his name, and I thought to myself, “God, I really hate that guy…I mean I really 🤬 hate the 🤬!”

That’s when one of the other attendees started laughing and said, “Haha, tell us how you really feel, why don’t you?!” - I’d said it out loud without thinking! :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

We’re just finishing lunch, I told Mr SSOAP, he now thinks you’re the bees knees 😂
I think we'll go to the beach this afternoon.
82F = 27.7C
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Try mid 80s.

Planning on pug baths today. Arwen is cooperative and helps by turning or standing still as needed. Strider is not... and he's just a solid lump of muscle, bone and some fat.

Hopefully some work on the Venetian male doll. I've got his stockings done, breeches are mostly done, just need a band on the bottom of the legs. Waistcoat is almost done, need to finish around the neck. And add the trim. His overcoat pieces are cut and ready to sew.

Tovala meals tonight so only a tiny bit of prep for dinner.
Try mid 80s.

Planning on pug baths today. Arwen is cooperative and helps by turning or standing still as needed. Strider is not... and he's just a solid lump of muscle, bone and some fat.

Hopefully some work on the Venetian male doll. I've got his stockings done, breeches are mostly done, just need a band on the bottom of the legs. Waistcoat is almost done, need to finish around the neck. And add the trim. His overcoat pieces are cut and ready to sew.

Tovala meals tonight so only a tiny bit of prep for dinner.
I also have one that’s co-operative and one that is not. I usually try and get the PITA’s done first so the next one feels like a breeze 😂
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