Off to the doc in about 10 minutes, then treating myself to breakfast. So many people have looked at my prostate over the last three years, I think I’m going to start keeping it in my pocket, just to make it easy on everyone. 

It's great, isn't it?Everyone I give tamarind to with my samosas love it. I have 4 jars here.
Curried eggs, mostly.I am intrigued by the egg curry, what does that consist of?
Yum yum!Curried eggs, mostly.
I make a base using onion, ginger, garlic and a couple of fresh Thai chiles. Then I add a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of fennel seeds, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, a cinnamon stick and 2 tsps coriander powder. Add a chopped tomato, a bit of water and cook down a while. Meanwhile boil the eggs and peel. Add cream or yoghurt to the sauce, mix well together, cut the eggs in half and bathe with the cream sauce. Heat through, eat with basmati rice.
Following up on my doc’s visit, and I’m just a teeny bit annoyed.
NOTE: What follows isn’t graphic, but it is medical in nature, and kinda sorta…intimate, I suppose, but I’m a believer in sharing health stuff in the event it helps someone else, so read no further if you’d prefer not to know more about me than you ever expected.
(This is a safety buffer)
This all started three years ago (to the month) - referred to urologist for elevated PSA.
Checked by urologist (PSA and “the finger”), surgical biopsy and MRI done, all clear.
Checked again 6 months later (PSA up), checked again 4 months later (PSA up & “the finger”), checked again 3 months later (PSA climbing), again and again and again all through 2022 and 2023.
Checked again mid-2023 (PSA up, “the finger,” and specialized urine test), another surgical biopsy, which came back all clear again. Referred for second opinion.
Went to sleek, ultra-modern facility at Ohio State medical center, consulted with urologist there, more of “the finger,” (at least it was a different one) and he ordered a second MRI, done by his staff, which came back all clear. His consultation with me was very positive - “No family history of cancer, your gland isn’t that large for a man your age, two biopsies and two MRIs found nothing beyond mild inflammation and slightly-enlarged gland, which is completely normal for your age…I’ll follow up with your local doc (whom I know quite well, actually), and I don’t see any reason to be concerned. Go live your life.”
Great - and today was my follow-up with my local doc.
He talked to me for a few minutes, then said, “Right…let’s draw some blood, check your PSA again, and if I like what I see, we’ll meet again in six months. If I don’t like what I see…we’ll discuss next steps at that time.”
Next steps?! After that last consultation, I really thought that all the continual blood draws, finger pokes, bladder scans, prostate biopsies, and MRI scan were coming to an end and I was in the clear!![]()
My local doc’s comment on my way out the door was, “I really think everything’s fine, but I’m paranoid. That’s a good thing.”
I appreciate the concern, but I’m starting to wonder why I even went for a second opinion if the best I could hope for was more of the same. I don’t want to spend the next 25 years alternating between biopsies and MRIs, ad infinitum.
Anyway, end of my griping. I really count myself quite fortunate that everything does look good so far. The second opinion doc specializes in cancer treatment, so sitting in his waiting room was a good reminder of how lucky I am so far.
“Well, what am I supposed to do with this now?!”I asked if he walked around banging into things..?
“Well, what am I supposed to do with this now?!”
For 30+ years George worked in oil field related industries. Over 20 years in the pipeline industry. He belonged to the Pipe Liner's Association. For the last five years the association has held a gumbo cook off to raise money for their scholarship fund.
Today we went to the cook off. It is held at a large campground in Cecilia. We sampled lots of gumbo, George visited with his old buddies, I collected swag.
The competing companies have tents set up with tables to serve gumbo samples and company logo swag - caps, golf towels, notebooks, pens, koozies, bags - lots of promotional stuff.
I am selective about the swag I collect. I want pens, notebooks, golf towels (I take the clip off and put the towels in my cleaning rag box), bags, magnetic bag clips. I do not pick up koozies or ball caps. We have an overabundance of both. I did pick up a ceramic coffee mug. I should have picked up two. We did not stay long.
We then drove to New Iberia to pick up a console for Stepson's new boat, drove home. George packed a bag, hooked Stepson's boat to his truck and drove to Toledo bend.
What am I doing? I have my feet up and I am sipping on a glass of wine. My dinner will be a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.