Plans for today (2024)

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I need to go have a look in my storage boxes and see what's left in there.
Should be several types of lentils.
Then go through my Indian cookbooks and find some dal recipes, which I then won't follow :)
All this, because amazon put a dal cookbook in with the daily deals!

Then looking after the garden, dogs and myself and admin
I hate admin, esp since I've now had to input the same detailt 5 times, get to the "end" screen where they say they will send 2 one-time-pins.
1 arrives and the other one doesn't and then you loose whatever you updated :ninja:
And of course nobody from customer services is available, can explain, or actually gives a flying hoot (I was going to use another word here)
Go to the bank. Pretty cool thing since this is a small town there're only a few people in there. They've got a fireplace with real wood in it that's really burning! Usually, this time of year, they have snacks out so I'll bring the receptionist her favorite ham biscuit and Pippi makes the rounds to see everyone.
Got the Tiny Thai Terror this morning and it’s going to hurt a lot because riding back to the airport the top vent on my helmet decided it would like to make an incredibly loud deafening high pitched whistle (even through solid moulded ear plugs) and the only way I could get it to stop would be to tip my head back.
As it’s an hours ride my neck is now not happy! Must remember to block the vent with something, it’s not the first time thats happened 🙄

Just got a text saying the replacement airfryer is in so I’ll be picking that up this morning. Fingers crossed take two has a better conclusion!
Got the Tiny Thai Terror this morning and it’s going to hurt a lot because riding back to the airport the top vent on my helmet decided it would like to make an incredibly loud deafening high pitched whistle (even through solid moulded ear plugs) and the only way I could get it to stop would be to tip my head back.
As it’s an hours ride my neck is now not happy! Must remember to block the vent with something, it’s not the first time thats happened 🙄

Just got a text saying the replacement airfryer is in so I’ll be picking that up this morning. Fingers crossed take two has a better conclusion!
Whats the Tiny Thai Terror? Guessing a scooter???
Whats the Tiny Thai Terror? Guessing a scooter???
A 5-6 stone Thai massage therapist with the power of ten men who thinks pain is good and laughs if you make any sounds that indicates it hurts.
“Ah good pain, is good pain yes hahahahaaa”
But she does a job like no other so I merrily pay for the torture 😂
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A 5-6 stone Thai massage therapist with the power of ten men who thinks pain is good and laughs if you make any sounds that indicate it hurts.
“Ah good pain, is good pain yes hahahahaaa”
But she does a job like no other so I merrily pay for the torture 😂
Mines from south Africa and she's tall and built like a linebacker. I can't understand what she's saying much of the time but she doesn't talk much. She's awesome.
Yes, that would be an appropriate sound to make during a massage!
Going into the office today. What’s the emergency that I need to drive roughly an hour and work in an actual office?
Because they pay rent on the building, so that needs justification?
I need to stop at the good German bakery that’s down that way, and the giant booze store that’s just over the river. :laugh:
Is booze cheaper in Kentucky? Besides bourbon...
I’ve honestly never noticed - I think it’s one of my endearing characteristics that I never much notice the price of things, but MrsT doesn’t agree. :laugh:
My DH is like you, although he's proud of me when I score crazy good deals. I'd drive to 3 different stores to save $20. He'd rather just get it all at one place, regardless of the cost.
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