Plans for today (2024)

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I was looking at this weeks ad for our local grocery store and they had small end beef rib roasts on sale $5.77/lb
Of course you have to buy the entire piece of meat, which is about 10 pounds... so I took inventory of my steaks, I have enough to last us two at least 6 months, so my plan for today is to NOT to the grocery store.
Planning to go through the stupid mountain of food I have ordered and decide what can be cooked and frozen or otherwise dispensed with without causing any food waste.
Also thinking I really need to put the Christmas tree up but might bog that off til tomorrow.

Edit: Done. It’s not too bad. Theres a far bit of duplication. The worse offenders are four loaves of bread, seven packs of sausages (and three packs of pigs in blankets), four jars of Branston pickle and four jars of piccalilli.
There’s a boatload of vegan cream cheese, vegan condensed milk, vegan crème fraiche, vegan whipping cream so maybe I was thinking that’s for some sort of key lime pie or cheesecake 🤷‍♀️
There’s far too much alcohol on there which is ok because it doesn’t go off and I am slightly annoyed I have two sides of smoked salmon coming 💰 but that freezes well so I’ll give myself a pass.

But insult to injury there are no buns for the Wagyu burgers so I’m going to have to go to the shops! :laugh:
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So getting ready to go to nephew and wife's house for dinner. She is making cottage pie. Now I explained to her the difference between the one with beef and the one with lamb (authentic), hoping for the lamb, and I believe the beef is called something else? I am bringing the salad, dinner rolls (freshly homemade last night) and vodka.
I thought it was shepherds pie with lamb and cottage pie with beef. Shepherds usually watch lambs???

One Ingredient Is The Difference Between Shepherd's Pie And Cottage Pie
So getting ready to go to nephew and wife's house for dinner. She is making cottage pie. Now I explained to her the difference between the one with beef and the one with lamb (authentic), hoping for the lamb, and I believe the beef is called something else? I am bringing the salad, dinner rolls (freshly homemade last night) and vodka.

Yes, Barriehie is correct, lamb = shepherd's, cottage = beef.
I blanched some sprouts that were in danger of getting forgotten at the bottom of the fridge; made some buttermilk pancakes; zapped a whole bag of left over bread into breadcrumbs; used my vacuum sealer to bag some oily toovar dal and a big bag of coriander seeds, then cooked some beef skirt because my wife wants "carne mechada" (pulled beef) for lunch tomorrow.
I was going to clean and cook some artichokes, but I decided to watch two games of football instead.
So getting ready to go to nephew and wife's house for dinner. She is making cottage pie. Now I explained to her the difference between the one with beef and the one with lamb (authentic), hoping for the lamb, and I believe the beef is called something else? I am bringing the salad, dinner rolls (freshly homemade last night) and vodka.
Easy way to remember it. Shepherds watch over their flock of sheep... hence shepherds pie is lamb

Cottage pie is a cottage farm thing cows milk then beef.
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