Plans for today (2024)

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Today I am doing web site maintenance. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day with more work on the web site and Thursday I will finish the shock absorber installation on my beater by handling the rear units. In the meantime there are my caregiver duties that keep me somewhat busy 24/7. Maybe I should retire.

Well its good you can get on with a few other things whilst also caregiving. What is the website?
I promised a pic of my little 2-tablespoon prep bowls, and here’s my last one (more are on order):

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You can see, I think that there’s a bottom edge to that shoulder that runs around the top of the bowl - up to the bottom of that is right around 2 tablespoons.
I have similar ones, but it never occurred to me they were (good)for measuring... how convenient!
What I bought them for, besides purely loving glass bowls, is that they stack and have lids...
I" ll try and take pics tomorrow. Edited to add.

Another mini (cutely dotted) bowl is just about 100g, and very frequently I'd use that and not a measuring spoon...

Will try to incorporate into a photo...too...
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Most of the day' s work is done. Dad's got the mini surgery set for Jul 11th.

Piled up 4 donation bags with clothing,3 electric/electronic devices semi-broken to discard, threw the paper to recycling, threw the plastic to recycling, decluttered 7 plates to donate, Checked all was ok with defrosting at my Daughter's Dad fridge ( he took her for a seaside vacay and asked me to check on the fridge), cleaned a part of my wardrobe, rearranged summer clothes, washed two loads of laundry, hung them...

I even talked to the lady who bought our cottage 8 y ago, we are dealing with some old issues, her husband died 2 months ago, and we are having some setbacks, at moments it gets so frustrating, and I get so angry, because I invested a lot of time and effort...but hopefully it will resolve soon and for good.

I also talked to my daughter, she is well and happy, had to redirect some spending/organizational intentions, and now it's peaceful again.

So, now I just need and want to...relax.🫠😌😴
They do make silicone prep bowls, even sets of different size ones that come in different colors so you can easily figure out at a glance the measurements they hold once you are familiar with them. I have a set of 4 or 6 somewhere, don't cook enough to keep up with them anymore. Think they got put up on 1 of the high shelves i can't reach.

They even make acrylic ones.
Continuing with the wardrobe clean out and reorganization. We plan to fetch additional shelving in the afternoon, my boyfriend and I.
Cleaning the kitchen floor.
Taking old clothing to recycling.
Dealing with the ownership issues of the long sold cottage. Emails, sms back and forth...a bit of a drag.
I am not going to engage in the extent I did 2 months ago, to have it backfire for lack of agility and precision on the counterpart side.
Write again and check spelling.
I meant floor.
Flour has nothing to do with it
I have to sweep (vacuum) my floors AGAIN. I have done it 5x in the past 8 days because my husband's family from out of town don't wipe their feet on the mats before they come in and track dirt/mud/pieces of grass all over my floors. Three cousins, an aunt and uncle left Tuesday. The last cousin goes home tomorrow and though he's a lovely fellow, he drives me batty because he is soooo messy. When he eats, crumbs end up on the counter and the floor underneath wherever he is sitting, and if he spills or drips his tea and food (which he does often), he will grab one of my nice dinner napkins (although are made of paper, they are not cheap) to wipe it up, even though the roll of paper towels is only inches away from the napkin holder and are much less expensive. And he loves to eat potato chips/crisps (we don't eat them often) so I bought a bag the other day and he ate half of it, then yesterday I bought a second bag that are of wavy texture with ridges (the first bag were without ridges) and he tore into it yesterday before he finished up the first bag...also have a bag of salt and vinegar chips that he ate half of before he decided he wanted to open the bags of plain chips. So we have 3 bags of half-eaten chips on hand that I will end up using as topping for tuna casserole at some point I suppose. We just don't do that, we finish off the first bag before opening another, regardless. So I will miss him because he is cheerful and a positive person, and he has been good to have around to keep my DH's spirits up after losing his mother, but I won't miss his mess!

And I'll stop griping now, LOL.
Struggling with my printer today. Of course I have some forms for work that I need to print out and the alignment is wonky. I have been troubleshooting it and printing the test page where it states to pick the image for each column that has the least visible vertical lines and I have done that about 6-7 times and it still isn't printing out correctly. The text is aligned fine but the borders for various fields are not lining up correctly and it's just not going to work out. I sent the document to my DH for him to print out for me on his printer. My printer is about 12 years old and it might just be time for a new one. I hate doing this though because I have lots of ink cartridges for the old one and I hate the idea of all that ink going to waste!
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