I’ve spent a fortune in pillows. I think I have every one except the MyPillow guy pillow, and I’d rather have the frozen shoulder!Have you looked into getting a different pillow(s)? That might help. Sometimes something really simple can be an easy fix.
You know who fixed MrsT’s bad hip for the longest? Her heart surgeon!
Ever since she had her stroke, she has a chronic hip issue, and the chiro works on it and it’s good for about a month, so it’s a maintenance thing.
When she had her surgery, they went up into her heart through two incisions in her groin, and when it came time to close, one closed up with a simple butterfly type thing, but the other wouldn’t stop bleeding.
He was joking with her later, he said he had to get his heaviest nurse to really apply some extreme direct pressure, and for quite a long time, because he ended up having to suture it the old-fashioned way.
After that, her hip and her leg felt better than it had since her stroke, and it’s held up for four months now, though she’s starting to get the soreness back again.