Plans for today (2024)

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I loved my first family doc here - I swear, he had to be the inspiration for Doc Martin - grumpy, to the point, never said more than was absolutely necessary, but he was a good doc.
Our family dr delivered both our kids . He was brilliant. Retired about 20 years ago. His son took over. He became a friend. I hopped him out and he helped me. He sold out to Chinese money to buy his patents. First time I went was told money up front, you have a 12 min window. Never went back. We dr is a woman and very good.
My dr is the ONLY person I'm honest wise.

We dr is a woman and very good.
When my doc left his practice and moved over to be a full-time hospital doc, his replacement was a youngish female nurse-practitioner, and I liked her well enough, but she was very by-the-book, and I didn't feel that she really listened much, just looked at numbers and made recommendations based on that, like, "Well, your BP is this, and this chart in my book says if your age is this and your weight is that and your height is this and your BP is that, then I'm to do this," and that's what she'd do. Felt like cookie-cutter care.

My current doc is also a woman, and I like her quite a bit, and she's my wife's doc as well. I like her because while she's friendlier than the first guy, she's also very direct and no bullcrap when she needs to be.
"🎶🎶🎶 On the 21st day of Christmas, my true love said to me:
Where are the boxes
That we put the ornaments in?
Where is the trunk
That we put the tree in?
Where shall we put
All the Xmas tree fairies,
Where, Oooh - ooh, where?
I replied as quick as I could, oh
Stick them in a box,
Out in the garage and
FORGET THEM for the rest of the year"
I can do both TR. That’s why I was always requested for patient education with the the hopeless, unable to be reached cases, you just translated it into common language, it made them laugh, their guard dropped and boom the message lands. I’d be lying if I said I didn‘t enjoy it 😆
Here’s a funny (to me) story concerning one of my doc visits…I think it was 2022, and it touches on the communication issue, and I think I can keep it clean:

I go to a urologist regularly, being a gentleman of a certain age - meaning I have an elevated PSA, so they’re always keeping an eye on that and the not-so-little gland that affects that. I go often enough that the nurse and I are fairly friendly, and we BS a little during appointments.

Now, each of these appointments, where they draw blood and check my PSA number, comes with instructions:

1. No vigorous exercise for 10 days prior
2. No riding lawnmower for 10 days prior
3. No sex for 10 days prior

All of these can affect the number they’re monitoring.

I went to my appointment, Nurse Teri is checking me in, getting my vitals, going over my current meds, and then I say:

“Oh crap. I forgot and, um, mowed the grass a couple of days ago.”

“Ok…so when you say you mowed the grass, do you mean you mowed the grass or you mowed the grass?”

“I mowed the grass…like, on my lawnmower.”

“Ok, I was just asking, because that can mean two things, y’know.”

“Well, I was just mowing the grass…the less fun meaning.”

We had a little giggle and after a couple of minutes, I asked:

“You know…whether I’d been exercising too much, or mowing the grass, or you know, mowing the grass…it’d be the same result, right? It just throws off that number?”

“Yeah, it can show a false high reading.”

“So then why’d you ask if it was one or the other? It really wouldn’t matter, right?”

She gave me a sly little look, winked, and replied, “Maybe I just wanted to know!”


That’s why we get along! :laugh:
Here’s a funny (to me) story concerning one of my doc visits…I think it was 2022, and it touches on the communication issue, and I think I can keep it clean:

I go to a urologist regularly, being a gentleman of a certain age - meaning I have an elevated PSA, so they’re always keeping an eye on that and the not-so-little gland that affects that. I go often enough that the nurse and I are fairly friendly, and we BS a little during appointments.

Now, each of these appointments, where they draw blood and check my PSA number, comes with instructions:

1. No vigorous exercise for 10 days prior
2. No riding lawnmower for 10 days prior
3. No sex for 10 days prior

All of these can affect the number they’re monitoring.

I went to my appointment, Nurse Teri is checking me in, getting my vitals, going over my current meds, and then I say:

“Oh crap. I forgot and, um, mowed the grass a couple of days ago.”

“Ok…so when you say you mowed the grass, do you mean you mowed the grass or you mowed the grass?”

“I mowed the grass…like, on my lawnmower.”

“Ok, I was just asking, because that can mean two things, y’know.”

“Well, I was just mowing the grass…the less fun meaning.”

We had a little giggle and after a couple of minutes, I asked:

“You know…whether I’d been exercising too much, or mowing the grass, or you know, mowing the grass…it’d be the same result, right? It just throws off that number?”

“Yeah, it can show a false high reading.”

“So then why’d you ask if it was one or the other? It really wouldn’t matter, right?”

She gave me a sly little look, winked, and replied, “Maybe I just wanted to know!”


That’s why we get along! :laugh:

Lol. When I got circumcised approx 35 years ago I went into the small surgery where a nurse was helping. I thought shes gunna peek?? I followed her head around the whole time then I caught her sneak a peek. I grinned to myself.
I knew

Mr SSOAP has agreed to start doing yoga with me this morning, I ordered him yoga blocks and a boosting cushion (good for beginners and if the hips are stiff) and a strap so any limbs that don't want to pay ball can be lassoed.
I give it approximately 2 days before the 'I don't want to' reasons start appearing, I'll put my money down now on "It doesn't help, it makes things worse" 😆

Then off to the solicitors. We are making Wills today and my father his coming along for an appointment too, I believe to try and ameliorate the mad things my mother will have us caught up in for an eternity when she pop her clogs!
Mr SSOAP has agreed to start doing yoga with me this morning, I ordered him yoga blocks and a boosting cushion (good for beginners and if the hips are stiff) and a strap so any limbs that don't want to pay ball can be lassoed.
I give it approximately 2 days before the 'I don't want to' reasons start appearing, I'll put my money down now on "It doesn't help, it makes things worse" 😆

Then off to the solicitors. We are making Wills today and my father his coming along for an appointment too, I believe to try and ameliorate the mad things my mother will have us caught up in for an eternity when she pop her clogs!

It's good to organise your wills. We have enduringly power of attorney. Kids 1/2 each. We are currently doing death stuff. I have family plots in new Brighton but it's cold and miserable there. Wife won't go there. Shes being cremated and with her parents. I'm going to also at this stage.
I had a cousin that married a guy late in life. When she died she left his cars and all his stuff to different people.
The chaos that caused was massive

Lol. When I got circumcised approx 35 years ago I went into the small surgery where a nurse was helping. I thought shes gunna peek?? I followed her head around the whole time then I caught her sneak a peek. I grinned to myself.
I knew


Ok big cock up. During the night I kept thinking I used the wrong word.
I put circumcised instead of the other word I cant think of even now. I had my tubes tied for want of a word.
Freud would would be able to explain it?... I was circumcised at birth.

Ummm, I really don't think the weather will bother her at that point.


I know but she wont budge , and I'm kinda with her as well. We are just going through pricing etc. Shes just tracked her uncle down who Is there as well but to find his "area" needs paying for. Her family wont pay. Blocks of 10 years for 2k.
I'm swinging for a family plot for us all where fee is minimal.

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