No. We have one of those as well (and I've known him to drive with it on because "after 10 minutes or so it goes out"

, but that wasn't the one. And I've dipped the oil and its half way on the dip stick.
This one is amber, and has a wavy line underneath it. Like this, but it is next to the symbol for engine oil pressure. This one with the wavy line appears to reference engine oil levels in the actual engine itself, but I'll check with the handbook for the exact wording because it was obscure and having both of those symbols leaves me scratching my head... I don't quite understand what the actual difference is in terms of what's going on in the engine.
View attachment 109338
The other one looks like an air filter symbol like this....
View attachment 109346
However, the air filter is totally fine. It's brand new and looks it. And I can't see it detect any blockages and the engine runs fine, no issues with trying to stall or fumes from unburnt fuel etc.
So my best guess is that it all leads to an alternator fault light which is technically called the battery is discharging light and is a square red light next to the battery charge dial...
The reason engine was overheating is that I either still have a leak elsewhere (connection pipes perhaps) or the mechanic who filled the reservoir fell for the same 'trick' I did initially when I checked the fluid levels and went with the strain on the reservoir... I did that on Tuesday. But yesterday, it was still oddly enough showing the same level, so I actually took the lid off and got the steps out (don't laugh too loudly please) and peered into the reservoir and find that that level is just a stain on the reservoir from 2½ decades of radiator fluid... it isn't actually where the fluid was, which was below minimum, well below it. I had to siphon off a small sample of fluid from the radiator to check what colour coolant is in use. Unfortunately is a yellow one and we've only got the blue formula and you don't mix formulae... so I've topped it up with rain water for the moment, so I could test the engine and also see if I lose any more fluid from the radiator over the next day or two.
I suspect that either the alternator has failed or, the engine overheating again has simply tripped a whole load of random warning lights that won't clear until it visits a garage again. The battery levels are down on their usual level. It's an 18v battery, but it's showing around the 13-14v level at the moment. It's usually up around 16v or so.
Oh well... I expect that's the original alternator as well. Everything else is.