Show me your breakfast (2024)

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pao doce 1.jpg
pao doce.jpg

Went to my most favorite Portuguese Bakery the other day and bought a small loaf of Pao Doce or Portuguese Sweet Bread.
Now this is similar to the infamous King's Hawaiian, but WAYYYYY better!
I have my great-grandmother's recipe for Pao Doce and have only made it only, but ya know, I can't recall ever having Leonard's Pao Doce before.
I sliced it thick and lightly toasted it for breakfast this morning.
I slathered mine with BUTTER and we chowed down, ONO!!!! (that's Hawaiian for delicious, I forget the Portuguese word, my family is from the Azores and I understand it's a different dialect from Portugal but LissaC might know better than me)
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Went to my most favorite Portuguese Bakery the other day and bought a small loaf of Pao Doce or Portuguese Sweet Bread.
Now this is similar to the infamous King's Hawaiian, but WAYYYYY better!
I have my great-grandmother's recipe for Pao Doce and have only made it only, but ya know, I can't recall ever having Leonard's Pao Doce before.
I sliced it thick and lightly toasted it for breakfast this morning.
I slathered mine with BUTTER and we chowed down, ONO!!!! (that's Hawaiian for delicious, I forget the Portuguese word, my family is from the Azores and I understand it's a different dialect from Portugal but LissaC might know better than me)
Hello :) Azores speaks the same Portuguese and the rest of Portugal. They just have a different accent.
Since I arrived in Spain 5 days ago exhaustion has been washing over me and I haven't been bothered with food.
Mr SSOAP's been great supplying tea and the occasional ham sandwich. This morning he decided that wasn't adequate so cooked a mountain of crispy bacon.


and very nice is was too.
Now he's gone to the shops to pick up some supplies for later and retrieve the sewing thread I ordered from an amazon locker which is very helpful.
I must look worse than I thought 😆
Sorry to hear that, the hot heavy weather isn't helping either, is it? Hope you feel better soon.
It is very nice of him to do all that.
It's not hot in the house due to the marvels of air con and as I'm yet to leave these four walls I've not suffered at all with the heat 😂
But I've got big plans for tomorrow - I'm going to stay awake all day oh yes!
Probably.. maybe.. we'll see 😆
Brekkie has become warm since the cold snap here. And I'm out of home grown fruit now, so we're currently using up some of the preserved "fruit". The brown syrup is fig molasses made from our own figs. (I just add a little water initially to the cut figs and then simmer for a few hours, mash, strain and soak the strained fruit in water to extract as much flavour as possible, combine the liquids and then reduce to a thick syrup without burning...


That's 2 dessert spoons of fig syrup, along with the home-made soy yoghurt (no sugar added at all).
We bought sausage and English muffins for breakfast sandwiches but Craig wasn't doing anything with them, his idea and request. So, I put the EMs in the freezer a few days ago. I decided to make breakfast this morning, so parcooked 6 slices of sausage for sandwiches later. Totally cooked 3 slices, made toast, fried 3 eggs over easy for Craig, and scrambled 2 for me.

Didn't take a picture because I let the butter get a bit brown for my scrambled eggs. They tasted great, but weren't a pretty yellow.
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