The CookingBites recipe challenge: onions

I’d be interested to know how they came to the conclusion it’s less than 80% sugar?
Do they test it?
If they don’t how do they take into account the water evaporation?
They're just bloody idiots with bureaucratic DNA. Any testing has to be done ( and paid for) by me.
Alright I’m back where the reception is good, so here’s my first entry: French onion chicken


My latest one:

Recipe - Bamberg Onion

Bamberg, Germany is known for many things, but the two I’m most familiar with are their smoked beer (Rauchbier) and a culinary delight made with that beer, the Bamberg Onion.

It’s a pork-stuffed onion, made with (in this case) lightly-spiced fresh pork, some smoked pork, and some streaky bacon, and served with a sauce made from their famous beer.


I used white onions, because they were the biggest, roundest ones Kroger had, but I saw recipes using sweet onions, yellow onions, even red onions, so use what you like. Also, keep an eye on the time, because you’ll have to go a little longer if your onions are on the larger size.

For the smoked pork portion, I remembered I had that last couple of inches of landjaeger sausage, bought from an Oktoberfest, so that went into the stuffing.

The taste is sublime. Hearty and mild, all at once. The baking mellows the onion and the sauce has just the slightest hint of smokiness from the beer.

As usual, MrsT’s reaction is noted:

<I set down her plate>
“What the hell am I supposed to do with this?”
“It’s an onion. Cut it up and eat it.”
“I guess…”
<Cuts it up and eats it>
“Ok…this is…one of the…best things you’ve ever made!”

So there you have it. Oh, and here’s the “official” beer for a proper Bamberg Onion:

I’ve got one more to get to. Should be able to just make the deadline.
So long as you’re not pushing it a little too far doing another dish?
No-one will mind if you give it a miss.
The dozen or so onions I bought would be quite upset!

I’m fine, thanks. The recipe yesterday was probably more involved than my next one, and I made it through that one, so it should work out. It’s more about my lack of industry getting in the way.
The dozen or so onions I bought would be quite upset!

I’m fine, thanks. The recipe yesterday was probably more involved than my next one, and I made it through that one, so it should work out. It’s more about my lack of industry getting in the way.
Chop ‘em and freeze ‘em.
Is that a recipe? Should be 😂
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