The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Because of work, sleep and going to the pub, I spent most of the 80s and 90s devoid of television. Last week a friend recommended a 91 British television series called "Prime Suspect" with Helen Mirren. I've haven't been able to put it down since!
The picture isn't the best, I know, but yesterday night The Duomo di Milano was absolutely fantastic, clear sky, bright lights, a walk in the middle of the night with best friends. Great. (Altough my pict....)

I've spent quite a few Lira in Duomo square in the past. Not a cheap place to eat/drink.
The serious rains are here now. Everything grows extremely quickly. I'll have to put up with the noise from the gardeners every fortnight!

We have had so much rain lately that everything is growing well including weeds and the lawn! I have spent another hour or so in the back garden but there is so much to do and the ground is still quite wet so hopefully the sun and wind will dry the ground out a bit.
It's 9:00 pm here now and it's been raining steadily for about 6 hours. At least it's reducing the temperature somewhat (25 degC currently).
Not sure if this grape looks like a bum or bosom
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