The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Last stop was Wimbledon village - mostly for their quality charity shops. Didn't get anything but then my size is not that easily catered for.

I don't dare ask... fat, thin, tall, short? Anyway, I'm a great fan of sourcing clothes in charity shops. There are great bargains to be had - especially if you go to charity shops where richer people live!
+1 for the charity shops. We have found that ladies fashion items [wear once - don't like - pass on] and odd items [leather motorcycle jacket - good make with body armour etc] retail around £100 for which I paid £5 and of course books - old cook books are a favourite of ours.
+1 for the charity shops. We have found that ladies fashion items [wear once - don't like - pass on] and odd items [leather motorcycle jacket - good make with body armour etc] retail around £100 for which I paid £5 and of course books - old cook books are a favourite of ours.
I collect old cookbooks too. Most anymore are from charity shops and many of the ones I got a decade ago are from flea markets.
Very few are new.
I don't dare ask... fat, thin, tall, short? Anyway, I'm a great fan of sourcing clothes in charity shops. There are great bargains to be had - especially if you go to charity shops where richer people live!
Well...given my love for food....the answer is NOT thin!! I am pleased to see that shops are now recognising that the nation is getting larger now, i.e. that there are now more larger sizes available. I bet I am not alone in my wardrobe harbouring clothes that once used to fit me but now don't.....the thinking being "well, maybe one day!"

I have made my own clothes (bits and pieces - nothing that accomplished) which helps and I am good at adapting clothes. It helps that I don't go for the smart look! I favour jumble sales really where it pays next to nothing to become experimental but these seem to have given way to car boot sales now.
I collect old cookbooks too. Most anymore are from charity shops and many of the ones I got a decade ago are from flea markets.
Very few are new.
I went through a long phase of getting out recipe books from libraries but found, increasingly, that there were more recipes I didn't like than I actually liked!.....There's a limit to adaptations i.e. most of the recipe needs to appeal!
Well...given my love for food....the answer is NOT thin!! I am pleased to see that shops are now recognising that the nation is getting larger now, i.e. that there are now more larger sizes available. I bet I am not alone in my wardrobe harbouring clothes that once used to fit me but now don't.....the thinking being "well, maybe one day!"

I have made my own clothes (bits and pieces - nothing that accomplished) which helps and I am good at adapting clothes. It helps that I don't go for the smart look! I favour jumble sales really where it pays next to nothing to become experimental but these seem to have given way to car boot sales now.

The demise of the jumble sale is indeed sad. Car boot sales don't have the same lovely jumble of clothes. Re size, I fluctuate a bit and I have some clothes I can't fit! But despite loving food and cooking I eat very little in order to stay somewhere around size 14 - I'm tall which helps (5 ft 8 and a half) - although I think I might have lost that half as it is the sad truth that we shrink in size as we get older! :eek:
I cleaned out my closet last month before vacation. I had many tops that were now almost halter tops due to the girls getting bigger over the years.
Oh and I am at least 50 lbs heavier than I was at 25. I still get asked how I stay so skinny.
My secret, don't worry about the size just make sure the girls are not squished, squashed, mashed or in any way uncomfortable, and long legs. I am not near as skinny naked as I am when I am clothed.
I cleaned out my closet last month before vacation. I had many tops that were now almost halter tops due to the girls getting bigger over the years.
Oh and I am at least 50 lbs heavier than I was at 25. I still get asked how I stay so skinny.
My secret, don't worry about the size just make sure the girls are not squished, squashed, mashed or in any way uncomfortable, and long legs. I am not near as skinny naked as I am when I am clothed.

If you are 50 pounds heavier and look slim than you must have been really skinny before! When I was in my teens I weighed around 9 stone (126 pounds)

Now I am 10 and a half stone. In pounds that is 147 pounds. So I am 21 pound bigger. :eek: Not sure I like that!
I am not near as skinny naked as I am when I am clothed.
I know that feeling well.

Until my back went though, I had the opposite problem. I was a size 2-4 on the bottom half and a size 8-10 on the top (mostly due to the girls as it as been phrased). Now it's a size 8-10 on the bottom and 12-14 on the top.
I'm 5'6" and know I have a good above average bone density (it's monitored closely).

I'll have to restart that diet of mine shortly to help with my back pain, but Easter is here and also we're heading into winter here with only the wood burner for heating... enthusiasm for a diet is, well, absent without permission...
If you are 50 pounds heavier and look slim than you must have been really skinny before! When I was in my teens I weighed around 9 stone (126 pounds)

Now I am 10 and a half stone. In pounds that is 147 pounds. So I am 21 pound bigger. :eek: Not sure I like that!
I am your height and currently weigh about what you do. You can do the math.
Seriously, when I was in high school I weighed about 125 with most of the weight being upstairs. The girls arrived before I did.
In my twenties, I went through a period of losing weight due to a very improper diet. The girls went from huge to almost non-existent. I was a 32A-B when hubby and I got together. I was under 100 lbs.
So really skinny is an understatement.
If you are 50 pounds heavier and look slim than you must have been really skinny before! When I was in my teens I weighed around 9 stone (126 pounds)

Now I am 10 and a half stone. In pounds that is 147 pounds. So I am 21 pound bigger. :eek: Not sure I like that!
That's not bad going at all! Our metabolism slows down with age and that weight increase (given the timespan) is negligible. Well done!

I have put on a few stones over the years but then I had to stop cycling (an accident - not of my making) - I had cycled all my adult life! Followed by being a full time carer (2 years) for my mother, who had dementia, that took its toll in my seeking comfort in food. She died in November and there is still a highly stressful situation lingering (concerning probate and being fleeced by my sister) which makes it impossible for me to cut back on food, as I know I should. Oh well!
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