The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I had an enjoyable very generous chicken doner at a Greek cafe - replete with substantial salad, 2 dips and a basket of warmed foccacia - all for £5! (I wish I had taken my tupperware to decant some of it).

Before I left I visited the W.C. When the doors were marked Gents and Ladies/disabled (i.e. the ladies was also for the disabled), it suddenly brought to mind the waning stereotype of Greek men being sexist/chauvinists! I wondered, if it were a feminist establishment, whether it would be the other way round! :wink:
I'm still peddling...just around, I wear a huge bulbous helmet and look like the old guys I used to laugh at when I was a kid...
Despite more cycle lanes, here in London, there has been an increase in cyclist's deaths! Lorries with poor visibility (mirror blind spots) are to be banned....but not until 2020 - why the wait???

I loved cycling so much...the freedom it gave me over 40 years. I live in the outerskirts of London, not too congested and greatly enjoyed cycling down the back streets (avoiding the traffic and air pollution). The joy of going precisely where you wanted (not to the nearest bus stop, as I do now) and stopping off along the way, wherever I chose. (Sighs) I now look at cyclists wistfully..... I even wrote a poem (to attain closure) and still often dream I have a bike and am cycling somewhere....
I had an enjoyable very generous chicken doner at a Greek cafe - replete with substantial salad, 2 dips and a basket of warmed foccacia - all for £5! (I wish I had taken my tupperware to decant some of it).

Before I left I visited the W.C. When the doors were marked Gents and Ladies/disabled (i.e. the ladies was also for the disabled), it suddenly brought to mind the waning stereotype of Greek men being sexist/chauvinists! I wondered, if it were a feminist establishment, whether it would be the other way round! :wink:

That might have been for practical reasons. You need more room for a handicap toilet, and ladies' rooms are often larger.

We're having a fun debate here about where do gender fluid people go?
I had an enjoyable very generous chicken doner at a Greek cafe - replete with substantial salad, 2 dips and a basket of warmed foccacia - all for £5! (I wish I had taken my tupperware to decant some of it).

Before I left I visited the W.C. When the doors were marked Gents and Ladies/disabled (i.e. the ladies was also for the disabled), it suddenly brought to mind the waning stereotype of Greek men being sexist/chauvinists! I wondered, if it were a feminist establishment, whether it would be the other way round! :wink:

A number of years ago a bunch of us from work went to a restaurant in town. One guy admitted to needing a pee but didn't know where the toilets were, he was pointed in the direction, the sign said WC. He was in his late 30's and had no idea what a WC was! For years he had seen that sign in many places but had no idea what it was :facepalm:
I had an enjoyable very generous chicken doner at a Greek cafe - replete with substantial salad, 2 dips and a basket of warmed foccacia - all for £5! (I wish I had taken my tupperware to decant some of it).

Before I left I visited the W.C. When the doors were marked Gents and Ladies/disabled (i.e. the ladies was also for the disabled), it suddenly brought to mind the waning stereotype of Greek men being sexist/chauvinists! I wondered, if it were a feminist establishment, whether it would be the other way round!
No, think of baby changing facilities. Always in the womens, why?
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No, think of baby changing facilities. Always in the womens, why?

More and more places here have a fold down changing station in the mens' room. I have to say that I think I was better at changing diapers than my wife was. Never got peed on even once. My wife got a face full a few times. I guess she just wasn't used to carrying a loaded weapon.
This reminds me of a time when my boy was about 3 years old and we were eating in a chain Italian restaurant on vacation. The waiter brought a small bowl of herb infused olive oil for a bread dip. My wife and I looked away for a second, and my son decided he would drink the entire bowl. He turned green instantly and began to gag.

I grabbed him, tucked his face into my shirt and rushed into the nearest bathroom, the ladies room. As I burst in, two ladies loudly complained, threatening to call the police until they saw him pull his face back and all of the vomit in my shirt.

Thank God I had the suitcase full of clothes outside in the car so I could change.
When there has been no loo roll in the ladies, and I had passed by the gents with an open door (no one there) have been known to nick their roll!

(I would usually ask a staff member for this, I hasten to add!)
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That might have been for practical reasons. You need more room for a handicap toilet, and ladies' rooms are often larger.

We're having a fun debate here about where do gender fluid people go?

I have read about gender fluid but as far as I know I don't know anyone who is and to be honest I am still in the dark as to what it actually means.
It means that you don't necessarily identify (act, dress, speak, etc.) as the gender of your birth. You can be a female one day, or hour, or minute, then a male the next.
It has been nearly 34 years ago but I still remember going in a gents restroom. It was on a military base that did not train women hence no ladies restroom.
The now very ex but then husband told me there was no ladies restroom so I would have to wait two hours to pee. I gave him two choices, he could either watch the door while I peed or I would gladly pee in the corner. Smart man chose option 1.
Didn't bother me in the least.
Oh and here now most places have changing areas in both sexes restrooms and some places have family restrooms. When my kids were little, you carried a small blanket in the diaper bag.
It means that you don't necessarily identify (act, dress, speak, etc.) as the gender of your birth. You can be a female one day, or hour, or minute, then a male the next.
Oh that sounds like androgyny! I classify myself as androgynous....perhaps they should have another toilet for us or those undecided! Ha!
As far as I'm concerned thats small! So why do you need to diet? I'm probably a 16 on the top and 14 on the bottom. I don't think I look fat. But I'd prefer to be thinner. I will post a picture tomorrow (perhaps).
I weighed myself yesterday. I'm at least 5kg over my maximum ideal weight and 10kg over the weight I was my happiest at.

Why is it that men don't have these problems!
That reminds me of my husband's recorded weight last time I tried... We has bmi analysis scales in the UK. I was trying to get him to watch his weight and write down the results weekly. Monday morning, I did mine, recording them on a scrap of paper and leaving it in the bathroom for him to complete.
"Weight = they lied again" was the result... I gave up after that. I came across this photo of it yesterday which is what reminded!
Cycling kept me fit and I was not able to replace this (following the accident) since it came directly on the heels of becoming a full time carer! Overeating and lack of exercise is a no brainer!
Similar story here. Used to care for my parents helping out with everything after my stepfather (temporarily) ended up in a wheelchair. I would cycle the 21 miles each way 3 or 4 times a week to do what was needed, supporting them. Did it for nearly two years. Then on a day off, I answered the phone to you hubby, finished talking to him whilst walking upstairs. Put the phone down and turned to walk away and my back went. Overnight I was left paralysed in my right leg. No feeling, no use and horrendous pain in my back. The nhs screwed up the diagnosis and I was never admitted into hospital. I was bedbound for 16 months, longer because I couldn't negotiate the spiral staircase in our home and only the one toilet upstairs.. I ate out of boredom, depression and simply because I had gone from cycling 1,000 miles a month (I would cycle at the weekends with my husband and some adhoc rides with a friend) to absolutely no exercise whatsoever.

I loved cycling so much...the freedom it gave me over 40 years. I live in the outerskirts of London, not too congested and greatly enjoyed cycling down the back streets (avoiding the traffic and air pollution). The joy of going precisely where you wanted (not to the nearest bus stop, as I do now) and stopping off along the way, wherever I chose. (Sighs) I now look at cyclists wistfully..... I even wrote a poem (to attain closure) and still often dream I have a bike and am cycling somewhere
I have cycled again, but I need a recumbent trike to ride alone. Hoping that I'll get out in the next few weeks here in Australia.
It has been nearly 34 years ago but I still remember going in a gents restroom. It was on a military base that did not train women hence no ladies restroom
I used to work on one that had no female shower block. When I worked out with a squaddie I would the need him and another to stand at each of the doors into the shower room, the only,male toilet on the ground floor, whilst I showered!
I have cycled again, but I need a recumbent trike to ride alone. Hoping that I'll get out in the next few weeks here in Australia.
Oh thanks for explaining about your back. How strange and alarming that it should suddenly give out like that! I am a relative newbie and I tried to understand your condition from what you previously posted! Wow you cycled much further than I ever did! Kudos!

Unfortunately I am too nervous to cycle again. The door from a parked car suddenly swung out into me! I was relatively OK, i.e. pain in shoulder for weeks but no real damage. However, I became far too nervous cycling past parked cars after that. I was always such an assertive cyclist too!

As luck would have it though, the time that this occurred dovetailed nicely into me becoming a pensioner and qualifying for a free bus pass!
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