The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Watched GBBO last night and it was a shame Benjamina left, she is lovely but had a bad day. I have to admit I am not a fan of Candice and lets be honest her peacock wasn't an original idea but it isn't a popularity contest.
taken a bad fall today. gouged a lump out of my knee bigger than my thumbnail, all of the skin is just gone down to the fatty tissue! bad bruising on knee - this being the partially paralysed side, right elbow, right thumb, right rib cage also got hit, scratches down my entire body about 10cm long each and bruising on my abdomen, though not too bad and no swelling - just looks like the skin is upset rather than internal injuries. Its the knee that is the issue. going to be a good scar there if it heals without issue... fingers crossed. It's had 400ml of Dettol poured over it - never felt a thing! Left it to bleed for a while as well, before covering with Melolin gauze and a crepe bandage. It has been a case of my OH ringing me every 20 minutes to check I was ok until he got home, me sitting in the sun room minus a lot of clothing (trying to get things clean and sterile) and rest, ice (bag of peas) compression and elevation.

I hurt.
Get to feeling better.
thank you.

I have decided right now that the thing that hurts the most is my entire front of my rib cage. I landed flat and winded myself... my ribs (well more likely the intercostal muscles have decided that they are not impressed and breathing when lying down hurts. Well just lying down (the process of) hurts very badly. This is a problem because I'm a severe asthmatic (despite everything I do, and my severe asthma consultant has basically said it is what has kept me alive all the years, being so active) and also have something called bronchiectasis which is lung damage from coughing too much basically. It leaves me very much more prone to chest infections. Something I need to watch like a hawk right now.

Oh well. I haven't been using my crutches around the house and grounds whilst living here - I guess I shall have to go back to using them for a while. It also means that the one day of the week I get let out of the pen (don't ask - I only leave the house and grounds once a week, not having a job and only having 1 car, plus living so rurally) is not happening this week. I won't be able to push myself around the supermarket in a wheelchair and tbh I think the dirt road we live up would hurt me too much. I'm going to have plenty of time on my hands to potter around doing those little jobs I have been putting off... like planting up the seedlings, recolouring the fireplace where I repaired it with polyfilla (I use water colour paints to hide it), carry on knitting my huge blanket, dust (I might find a reason for putting that one off) and so on...

Right off to shut the chooks up by feeding them. It was 0C at 6am this morning (now 7:30am) and they are moaning very loudly. They are being introduced to an automatic feeder so that the wild bird population doesn't eat quite so much of their feed. The chooks are not impressed with the concept! They have been free range birds here (OK 3 of them only for 10 days before it was introduced) and much prefer to scratch the ground for scattered (wild) seeds and insects whilst the wild bird population raid the chooks feed. You can't win!
Are you sure you haven't broken ribs in the fall @SatNavSaysStraightOn ? I had disaster today as well. I slipped on a dog toy and trapped my foot under the sofa. I think my toe(s) hit the underneath wooden bit of the sofa. It was agony when it happened and now I can barely walk at all. Have I broken a toe? Or is it just bruised? Either way, this is BAD. I need crutches...
Are you sure you haven't broken ribs in the fall @SatNavSaysStraightOn ? I had disaster today as well. I slipped on a dog toy and trapped my foot under the sofa. I think my toe(s) hit the underneath wooden bit of the sofa. It was agony when it happened and now I can barely walk at all. Have I broken a toe? Or is it just bruised? Either way, this is BAD. I need crutches...
Which toes? I can tell you from experience broke or bruised feels about the same and there isn't much a doctor can do. I broke my big toe when I was 17. The two hard things were driving and using stairs. I went to a three story high school that had a second building with two stories. My morning classes were 3rd floor, then 2 floor in the other building, then second floor in the main building.

No crutches because I saw no need to go to a doctor. At least 3 paramedics, 2 emergency medical technicians and a pharmacy tech were there when I broke it. Not sure, but I think they called friends too.
Are you sure you haven't broken ribs in the fall @SatNavSaysStraightOn
no, not at all. But in the UK at least, they don't do anything for broken ribs anymore. They can give you a painkiller which is good at relieving the pain but that is all (I know after I came off my mountain bike a few years ago). It would not be the first time I have redesigned my rib cage!
Have I broken a toe? Or is it just bruised?
Its not decisive but can you bend them? If you can they it can still be broken, but not badly (I have walked on a broken leg for over 5 weeks before getting treatment). If you can't bend them, then what happens when you move them by hand? If they crunch, then they are broken. But and this is the BUT... I am not there with you. This is from experience only - I broke my big toe as a child, no treatment, my mother worked on the principle if you can walk/talk or move it, it or you were fine. It didn't always work out that way but.... and if you are in any doubt, you should see a doctor even if it is to be told it is broken, no treatment and just rest.

From my point of view, the ribs are sore. they will continue to be sore for at least 2 weeks probably around 6. I won't worry if they are still hurting at the end of the month, I will probably have to see my Doctor inside the next 4 weeks anyhow to get another prescription. What is more worrying is the hole in my knee. It is deep, all the skin is gone right the way down to the fatty tissue and moving around this morning has it bleeding again. I know this because it has now bled through the dressing and the bandage and was visible when I went to the bathroom earlier. There is no skin there to heal and I think it is of a size that could need a skin graft which I really don't want to do. But I have adrenal gland issues and have to take hydrocortisone because my body doesn't produce it anymore and that affects my ability to heal. I may well have to see the nurse tomorrow if things don't start healing. The wound is in an awkward place and stretches when I bend the knee pulling it open again. On the upside, it doesn't hurt at all. It's an up for me because the rest of my body is making up for it! The base of my right thumb is black and swollen into the middle of my palm - its just bruised otherwise I would not be touch typing as I am now. My right elbow, actually scrub that my right forearm all the way to and including my elbow is patchy bruises but the scratches on the front of my body are gone, and the waistline bruising is only red and tender this morning and last nights evening meal and breakfast this am haven't bounced or caused bloating or anything like that. The bruising there is less, not worse so no internal injuries which is what we hoped for (by the way, just in case you were wondering both my husband and I did some advanced first aid training more field medic training including subdermal but not internal sutures, IV, cannula insertion, IM injections etc to go out around the world cycling, so have a pretty comprehensive first aid knowledge.) There is no skin here to stitch back together sadly... but on the bright side of things I don't go into shock very easily, so am fantastic as a first aider and patient but if I do, it is always delayed shock which can be more of an issue. This time there was no shock at all. Its a side effect of my adrenal pituitary gland issues.

I won't go shopping tomorrow, I won't be able to push myself around the supermarket in the wheelchair sadly. It is the one time of the week I usually get to see the outside world. Guess it will have to carry on without seeing me for another week! Good thing I love here and have plenty to do around the house and garden, and there is a good view to be had from the sun room, the sitting room and a different view from the studio if I go over there.
And I note you are knitting too @SatNavSaysStraightOn !
Yep - I knitted 2 of the 6foot by 6 foot blankets that were given (and asked for) to my sister's bridesmaids.
You can't see the other colour specs in this picture, but it gives you an idea. there are pink and blue little balls in it as well as loads of different shades of greys and "other fluffy bits". My sister actually decided she rather liked this one and kept it for herself. My mother ended up knitting another (my sister had 6 bridesmaids so this was no mean feat) from the spare wool we had left over from the B&W which I had had to purchase because it wasn't a combination of colours my mother had much of. (I just bulk ordered off ebay of second hand stuff people were getting rid of, and raided charity shops for cheap woollen cardies and scarves. Cheaper than buying wool new.

The blanket is folded in half for easy btw.

Some detail, I found another picture elsewhere
This was as I was starting the blanket so that my mother (in Tenerife at the time) could confirm it was what she was after.


The autumnal colours one. It is mostly brown but with yellows, reds, greens and generally autumn colours, but gives you an idea of the scale. I hadn't finished it at that stage, there was another foot or so to go. It took up virtually all the spare floor space in our old sitting room.

and some detail


I was usually knitting with 3-6 strands of wool at a time for that effect. Occasionally if the wool was very thin, then anything upto 12 balls were in use at any one time. It is how these blankets work.

I have another one of my own which I will try to get a picture of. The wool is much more expensive and nicer generally for our blanket (some expensive wool in it) - it was a decision we made and the colours more our colours. It is still an autumnal colour theme though.
Trivia question: has anyone here heard of heating up a grapefruit?
yep - used to do it all the time - half and then segment the grapefruit running around the outside of the segments as well. Sprinkle with brown sugar and grill until warm enough for your tastes. I liked my hot where the sugar was starting to caramalise. Often had it that way and have made many converts over the years. Works with white, pink or red grapefruit equally well.
Thanks will have to try it. Silly question do you mean brown sugar or jaggery?
In the US, they are two different things.
Oh as far as weather today's high was 60. Yesterday was 90 and tomorrow will be 84.
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