The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Here you go... ahh wrong machine - will try again in a moment

Screenshot_20161020-103501.png Screenshot_20161020-103738.png

Think I have id'ed them correctly! Sore in other places as well, but not all fractures show up on rib xrays.
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On facebook I am part of a community that is called Memories Of-where we live. This evening our local pub allocated a corner so tables could be laid out for old photos/albums from the area, local school, developement plans etc... so we popped in. The lady organising the whole thing is a delightful lady with so much knowledge and enthusiasm. There was a picture from primary school and there was me in the back row! I was able to give her a couple of names, even met someone a couple of years older who was at the school with older siblings of a couple of kids that I was at school with...
:sun: now but it's :cold:out. Another frost overnight. Forecast the get up to 23C today. I might risk 2 loads of washing. It will mean at least 4trips to the washing line just to hang out all because of the broken ribs and carrying things, but we don't have a tumble drier so I need to take advantage of the good weather before rain over the weekend
Cooking disasters all day except for a Recipe Challenge thing I made first thing (to be posted soon). I then put some onions on to caramelise, for a quiche I was going to make, logged into the Forum and well.... you can guess. I chucked the burnt onions in the bin. Reverted to leeks and they went OK. Then I baked the pastry case which looked sort of OK. Put the filling in (leeks, eggs, milk, cheese) snd baked for 30 mins. Result: most of the filling leaked through the bottom of the loose bottomed flan dish, into the oven and burnt on the bottom of the oven. The quiche had to be prised out of the flan tin and has the ultimate soggy bottom (and is only half-filled). Now, I'm an experienced quiche maker! See: Ham, Olive and Cheese Quiche and Pissaladiere Quiche. and so I'm mortified. I can only think it was because the pastry had been kept too long . It did look a bit 'greyish' when I got it out of the fridge.

My partner says he will eat it anyway. :oops:
It rained a little overnight. started at 2:30am and has stopped now. It's 6:30am. We had between 20-25mm rain. No I haven't forgotten a decimal point.

I'm sore. I'm up again.

And my cockeral or rooster (what's the difference) is being lazy and crowing from his roosting perch. The girls are going to go off him very rapidly at this rate.
Morning all. Brrrrr, it's cold outside. The clouds have parted and the stars are now our in their thousands. Orion is upside down still which is just plain weird (still).
Just about made it to 2am but only because I needed to put some additional clothes on and socks on to be warm enough. it's currently 2.5C out and due to get colder still. The seedlings I transplanted yesterday won't be impressed but they deliberately didn't get much water so as not to freeze and the seeds should all cope..

Right sorry stay, I have a few alerts to check out and some morphine to take before putting on the electric blanket and hoping I can get another attempt at sleeping in!
Three weeks ago today my 77 year old dad stepped onto an aeroplane for the very first time. He and his mate Morris flew to Ibiza and dad had a great time, he was still buzzing today when we took him out for dinner. I am really proud of him for taking that big step.
Three weeks ago today my 77 year old dad stepped onto an aeroplane for the very first time. He and his mate Morris flew to Ibiza and dad had a great time, he was still buzzing today when we took him out for dinner. I am really proud of him for taking that big step.
My Grannie did something very similar many years ago now. Her first time out of the country (including never having been to Ireland) was by plane to the former soviet union to Moscow! She even had to get a passport to go because she had never had one. The only thing she had ever done was take a ferry to the Orkney islands, that was it. After that they visited a lot of Scandinavia but strangely never hotter climates despite her very bronze skin. She was from a very quiet area in south Wales back before WWII. travelling just didn't happen.
This morning I put on a clean white top, I then had blackberry jam on toast. My white top is now back in the wash basket :mad:
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