The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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-1C overnight and :cold:

I keep thinking is this the last frost of the season, but no. We are forecast frosts all of this week... So much for putting out the seedlings which are taking over the sunroom. Even despite the sheltered corner and no heating or insulation in the house and especially in the sunroom, I don't think they would survive being planned out just yet!
At the Curve Theatre.
I haven't been there or even seen it (the Curve) but I'd like to. It was supposed to have been an expensive disaster when it was built but has apparently turned itself around. Great to see you are supporting it! :happy:
I haven't been there or even seen it (the Curve) but I'd like to. It was supposed to have been an expensive disaster when it was built but has apparently turned itself around. Great to see you are supporting it! :happy:

They put on some great shows and comedians so a pleasure to go there.
Tired now. Shall have to have a good sort out of my photos on this laptop tomorrow because I am running out of disk space and I know that there are a large number that can be deleted. I also need to start collecting good photos together for my Christmas present to all - the landscape calendar we usually do. I think I have around 6 that I know I can use... the rest I will have to find from the archives I think!
Tired now. Shall have to have a good sort out of my photos on this laptop tomorrow because I am running out of disk space and I know that there are a large number that can be deleted. I also need to start collecting good photos together for my Christmas present to all - the landscape calendar we usually do. I think I have around 6 that I know I can use... the rest I will have to find from the archives I think!
I did a calendar like this last year but was disappointed in the quality of image reproduction. I did it on-line with Vista Print I think. How do you get yours printed?
I have always used photobox but unless you get a decent number of calendars and wait until they send you a decent offer, they work out rather expensive. I have also returned them a couple of times over the years to be reprinted as well. But better than vista print. I want to do if do calendars yet. Their business card range had been stunning.
A guy who used to work with us has applied for a job with us again, he was originally sacked because he had agreed with production manager and signed the relevant paperwork to take 5 weeks off to go to India. He returned 10 weeks later claiming his flight was delayed :scratchhead:
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I whipped us up a strawberry angel delight with a flake crumbled over the top. It didn't taste very much of strawberry.
My doggy coat knitting project is not doing well. I've completed the bottom part (which fits) - but now the top part doesn't. I tacked it loosely together to try on him. He was quite sweet and tolerant about it considering. But now I have to unpick the top section to adjust. Are you all bored yet?

Photo on 25-10-2016 at 22.03.jpg
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My doggy coat knitting project is not doing well. I've completed the bottom part (which fits) - but now the top part doesn't. I tacked it loosely together to try on him. He was quite sweet and tolerant about it considering. But now I have to unpick the top section to adjust. Are you all bored yet?
Took me 4 frogs on the dog sweater I did.
It's not spread out but here's the other blanket in knitting. It's 12 foot wide and around 8 foot long at the moment we think.


I can't lift it. I just knit one way, twist slightly, knit the other way, twist back again and continue... If I'm lucky a normal ball of wool will last between 2-4 rows. Extra big balls last around 8 rows!
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