The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I rarely ever wear any. I find it daunting going into Boots or where ever and being confronted by orange faced women who give me no confidence in their advise. So I am toying with buying from AVON. Thing is as I am a pale skin blonde I would choose nude foundation and pink eyeshadow but as I am 46 I don't want to look mutton as lamb plus my skills and knowledge are almost zero. My last go with mascara made me look like Alice Cooper! Perhaps you could give me some tips?

Well, I'm 65 so... I don't wear any foundation. I think unless you have very very food fine pored skin (which generally speaking means you are under 25!) its best avoided as it just looks so visible and caked on. I do use a marvellous product (not cheap) which is a shadow remover and will also cover up small imperfections in the skin. Its by YvesSaintLaurent called ToucheEclat. I use it on top part of eyes and under eye. You don't need a lot, but it really lifts shadows. I also use it around lips (lightly) to provide definition. Its a brilliant product IMHO.

Then I use a soft brown pencil to define under eyes and black eyeliner over the top of that, flicked up at the corners. I'll PM you a 'before and after' photo tomorrow so you can see what I mean. Eyeliner doesn't suit everyone. I can't use it on my top lids at all as they are too hidden, for example. I don't use mascara but I have dark lashes so don't really need it. If you have pale lashes try using a brown, rather than black mascara for a subtler look.

I don't wear too much lipstick these days. Its another thing which can look garish - especially bright colours. I've got bright red (dyed) hair, so I can get away with some bright pink but I usually use a paler apricot shade. Lip gloss over a paler lipstick looks good. I also use the light brown eye pencil as a lip definer.

So, although this sounds complicated I really only use 4 things and it takes me about 4 minutes to do: Eye pencil, eyeliner, ToucheEclat and lipstick/gloss.
Re make-up, when I was younger I was really in to dramatic looks. I used to paint spiky lashes under my eyes and wear bright yellow eye shadow. Wish I could find a picture! A bit like this only more exaggerated! I used to use poster paints!

Well, I'm 65 so... I don't wear any foundation. I think unless you have very very food fine pored skin (which generally speaking means you are under 25!) its best avoided as it just looks so visible and caked on. I do use a marvellous product (not cheap) which is a shadow remover and will also cover up small imperfections in the skin. Its by YvesSaintLaurent called ToucheEclat. I use it on top part of eyes and under eye. You don't need a lot, but it really lifts shadows. I also use it around lips (lightly) to provide definition. Its a brilliant product IMHO.

Then I use a soft brown pencil to define under eyes and black eyeliner over the top of that, flicked up at the corners. I'll PM you a 'before and after' photo tomorrow so you can see what I mean. Eyeliner doesn't suit everyone. I can't use it on my top lids at all as they are too hidden, for example. I don't use mascara but I have dark lashes so don't really need it. If you have pale lashes try using a brown, rather than black mascara for a subtler look.

I don't wear too much lipstick these days. Its another thing which can look garish - especially bright colours. I've got bright red (dyed) hair, so I can get away with some bright pink but I usually use a paler apricot shade. Lip gloss over a paler lipstick looks good. I also use the light brown eye pencil as a lip definer.

So, although this sounds complicated I really only use 4 things and it takes me about 4 minutes to do: Eye pencil, eyeliner, ToucheEclat and lipstick/gloss.

Time is the thing, in the morning I cannot be bothered to faff so don't bother however I would like to glam up when we go out. Brown mascara sound like a good idea because black can be harsh and using a brow pencil arond the lips is new to me but I see how it could work. Thank you @morning glory :okay:
Time is the thing, in the morning I cannot be bothered to faff so don't bother however I would like to glam up when we go out. Brown mascara sound like a good idea because black can be harsh and using a brow pencil arond the lips is new to me but I see how it could work. Thank you @morning glory :okay:

The lip lining thing has to be very subtle! Use a very light pencil (lip pencils are sold for the purpose but I find they are too greasy so I use an eyebrow pencil). You really don't need to do it unless your lips are getting blurry with age (like mine :(). You will see what I mean by this when I send you before and after photos! :happy:
You mean you don't normally wear it? :eek: I wouldn't go out of the house without some slap on.
Wear it! I don't even own any. I didn't wear any when I got married either, nor a dress. But family and groom vetoed the hiking boots and breaches. I tried for hiking boots and jeans but they were vetoed as well.
I rarely ever wear any. I find it daunting going into Boots or where ever and being confronted by orange faced women who give me no confidence in their advise. So I am toying with buying from AVON. Thing is as I am a pale skin blonde I would choose nude foundation and pink eyeshadow but as I am 46 I don't want to look mutton as lamb plus my skills and knowledge are almost zero. My last go with mascara made me look like Alice Cooper! Perhaps you could give me some tips?
at long last another female who does not normally want to paint herself to go outside! :dance::dance::dance::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:
The roos are fighting outside the chook house again!. Need to go and disturb them so I can feed the chooks... And so starts anothet day in rural Australia...

Actually it's its 3rd attempt today. I let this one happen. But I'm stopping off via the caffeine first.
Wear it! I don't even own any. I didn't wear any when I got married either, nor a dress. But family and groom vetoed the hiking boots and breaches. I tried for hiking boots and jeans but they were vetoed as well.

at long last another female who does not normally want to paint herself to go outside! :dance::dance::dance::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:

As I said, its only 4 minutes of time. And it makes me feel good. What is wrong with that? There are plenty of men who spend far more time than that 'getting ready' to go out. We all have some degree of 'preening' as a species. The only way to really eradicate that would be to not wash your hair (or even shower/bath) and walk about naked. Sounds quite appealing really!:laugh::happy:

I knew someone who thought that washing hair wasn't necessary. They went without washing it for a year. Surprisingly, it worked quite well. After a while of lank and greasy, the natural oils in the hair find the right balance with the environment (rather than being purged every few days).

So... anyone want to give that a go!? You sound like the natural candidate @SatNavSaysStraightOn. :D
As I said, its only 4 minutes of time. And it makes me feel good. What is wrong with that? There are plenty of men who spend far more time than that 'getting ready' to go out. We all have some degree of 'preening' as a species. The only way to really eradicate that would be to not wash your hair (or even shower/bath) and walk about naked. Sounds quite appealing really!:laugh::happy:

I knew someone who thought that washing hair wasn't necessary. They went without washing it for a year. Surprisingly, it worked quite well. After a while of lank and greasy, the natural oils in the hair find the right balance with the environment (rather than being purged every few days).

So... anyone want to give that a go!? You sound like the natural candidate @SatNavSaysStraightOn. :D

If it makes you feel good then why not :okay:
If it makes you feel good then why not :okay:
My philosophy at this time of life is that if it makes me feel good then I'll do it.

As it happens I'm a dyed in the wool feminist and understand all the arguments against make-up. But my thinking is if David Bowie did it (and lots of other men), so can I!

As I said, its only 4 minutes of time. And it makes me feel good. What is wrong with that? There are plenty of men who spend far more time than that 'getting ready' to go out. We all have some degree of 'preening' as a species. The only way to really eradicate that would be to not wash your hair (or even shower/bath) and walk about naked. Sounds quite appealing really!:laugh::happy:

I knew someone who thought that washing hair wasn't necessary. They went without washing it for a year. Surprisingly, it worked quite well. After a while of lank and greasy, the natural oils in the hair find the right balance with the environment (rather than being purged every few days).

So... anyone want to give that a go!? You sound like the natural candidate @SatNavSaysStraightOn. :D
Already have done whilst cycling around the world. Yes the oils sort it out. It's not an issue. I just find the when world constantly pushing us to think we need to shower every single day, then test is for skin ailments that we wouldn't have if we didn't wash shower every day (ok in hot climates it can be nice but it is not essential. Our bodies are out of balance because of all the chemicals we throw at them from the outside as well as the inside)

Basic hygiene is anothet matter entirely. But I have a family who won't leave the house in the morning without a shower and then will shower and change clothes again to go out in the evening. Both sets of clothes will now get washed before even considered to be worn again. I have been to countries where water is so very precious that clothes, hair etc come second place to everything. I've been in those situations and have had to use alternatives and go weeks without washing. I guess I just don't fit into first world life.

We are good enough without the need to paint ourselves in chemicals inside and out (remember my PhD background in organic chemistry) day in day or and often night as well. It's time we realised we are making ourselves and the planet sick... Sorry rant over. I'll break and have breakfast now.
So you were naked? :eek: :laugh:
Later on I might have been :whistling: .

It was a beautiful, make that fabulous winter day in the lake district (northern) and never went above -8C the entire time. Not a cloud in the sky!
Horrendous for photography. one BiL in white, others wearing dark blue or black... Unexposed or overexposed and no one wanted to stand around for a second shot.

Already have done whilst cycling around the world. Yes the oils sort it out. It's not an issue. I just find the when world constantly pushing us to think we need to shower every single day, then test is for skin ailments that we wouldn't have if we didn't wash shower every day (ok in hot climates it can be nice but it is not essential. Our bodies are out of balance because of all the chemicals we throw at them from the outside as well as the inside)

Basic hygiene is anothet matter entirely. But I have a family who won't leave the house in the morning without a shower and then will shower and change clothes again to go out in the evening. Both sets of clothes will now get washed before even considered to be worn again. I have been to countries where water is so very precious that clothes, hair etc come second place to everything. I've been in those situations and have had to use alternatives and go weeks without washing. I guess I just don't fit into first world life.

We are good enough without the need to paint ourselves in chemicals inside and out (remember my PhD background in organic chemistry) day in day or and often night as well. It's time we realised we are making ourselves and the planet sick... Sorry rant over. I'll break and have breakfast now.

I agree about excessive bathing and showering. I don't do that myself. But I'm interested in what you consider 'basic hygiene'. There are arguments about 'washing' where that is concerned, too.

The thing about make-up is that its like anything else we 'put on' whether it be clothes, jewellery, tattoos. Its a choice. It doesn't necessarily do any damage. There are a lot worse things in the world than make-up. What do you think about tribal make-up? Is it a bad thing?
It doesn't necessarily do any damage
It does do damage though. To the skin of the wearer. If people actually knew what was in it and how it was made they would stop using it.

There are a lot worse things in the world than make-up.

What do you think about tribal make-up?
Tribal make up? As in scarring? No issues with that, not tribal piercing etc. I think culture like that should be kept and most colouring put on to the face for what i think of as tribal makeup is made on site as part of the ceremony from natural products and removed afterwards isn't it?

'first world' (a term I loath but can't really think of any better description right now) makeup is everyday for most people, some won't even go to bed without it on. That stuff is not made from natural products and does do harm physically to the skin over time. I'm often complimented on my skin and asked what i do, what i use etc. Well it gets washed twice a week if it's lucky. With an exfoliating sponge (but only a certain one) and a natural vegan soap. Nothing else. It takes care of itself. It's about the one thing in my body that works as it is meant to!

'basic hygiene'
Your body let's you know if more than just showering is needed. Basic was a reference to washing hands once or twice a day. I'm a great believer in germs being good for you!
jewellery, tattoos
If you want. I don't do the first but do have some. It has been handed down to me in wills or as presents. The second, I would if I had the money and could find an artist who could do what I wanted with the type of inks I want (assuming I'm not allergic to them!)

Right time to work. Mornings are best and we have a lot to get done today.
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