The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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It's not spread out but here's the other blanket in knitting. It's 12 foot wide and around 8 foot long at the moment we think.

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I can't lift it. I just knit one way, twist slightly, knit the other way, twist back again and continue... If I'm lucky a normal ball of wool will last between 2-4 rows. Extra big balls last around 8 rows!
Looks gorgeous. Lovely textures and colours. I've not attempted anything so large. Once I finish the dog coat I'll contemplate other things.:happy:
Well, dr's say I need to take more morphine. Much more morphine to get the pain under control and have given me another prescription for time release capsules to help get me through the 4 broken ribs and if things have not settled by Friday, I'm to have bloods and another set of x-rays done to make sure that the right hand side which was OK, not great, just OK hasn't got any worse. I may have a floating section of ribs which could be causing the problems I am having which include breathing in, not out (very painful) , can't rotate the body, twist, lean or bend, can't get myself in and out of bed and can't done my lower half clothing... I was doing OK until Sunday afternoon but went down hill on what was the less painful side. It is now the most painful side and it does not help that I'm stubborn and don't want to take the level of morphine they want me on to control the pain. But I need to so... if anything I type from now on does not make sense, report it and let @Shaun or @morning glory sort it out and I will apologise in advance if I offend anyone. I am very tired, very sore, in a lot of pain and a touch sort tempered, But I need the company and friends I have here on CC and I need them to help keep me going please. It's rather hard right now. We get up at 6am, my OH goes off to work at 7am and I am alone until he gets home somewhere between 6-7pm. I fall asleep on the sofa around 8pm on a bad night, on a good night I actually make it to be around 9:30pm, so I have company for an entire 2-3 hours a day. And because I can't drive with the broken ribs, its hard enough being a passenger, and I can't drive with the higher dose of morphine I'm on, it means I can't even go to work with him in the morning and then drive over to a friends house in Canberra if she is able to accommodate me for the entire day.... She can't come to me because she can't drive following a really bad fall back in April when she was carrying her baby son, she protected him at a very high cost to herself and is still off work 6 months later. They operate on her in 3 weeks time to try to sort some of the issues out. She broke her shoulder in 4 places along with her elbow joint and radius (which wasn't detected at the time). Anyhow - I'm waffling because I know I am getting depressed again and am trying my hardest not to withdraw but to reach out and stay in contact with people which I am rather prone to do... so please chat... I need it. thank you for listening to the waffle. I am now going to go and try to pick the colours to finish the row I am on on my blanket. I have been trying since last night but keep getting distracted. I have at least discarded some of the ones that won't work... plus I need to water the plants in the sun room because they are going to die fi they don't get water soon... bye for now...

Did I post the x-rays of my ribs? I won't do the knee, it is a touch goory to say the least. but it at least is healing.
Blimey, @SatNavSaysStraightOn you are certainly going through it. Its quite good to have something to do, like knitting, if you are immobilised. I took up knitting when I had a very bad fall 3 years ago. I tripped in the street and broke my pelvis. I was in hospital for three weeks and then it took another few months of gradual recovery until I could walk unaided. I slept on the settee because the stairs were too difficult and peed in a bucket because I couldn't get to the loo in time in the night (I know you don't want to hear that bit).

Anyway, I did find the knitting was a good way to keep busy. I used to watch TV or listen to the radio and knit. You will recover from the ribs eventually - its just frustrating, especially when you want to be up and doing things.
Blimey, @SatNavSaysStraightOn you are certainly going through it. Its quite good to have something to do, like knitting, if you are immobilised. I took up knitting when I had a very bad fall 3 years ago. I tripped in the street and broke my pelvis. I was in hospital for three weeks and then it took another few months of gradual recovery until I could walk unaided. I slept on the settee because the stairs were too difficult and peed in a bucket because I couldn't get to the loo in time in the night (I know you don't want to hear that bit).

Anyway, I did find the knitting was a good way to keep busy. I used to watch TV or listen to the radio and knit. You will recover from the ribs eventually - its just frustrating, especially when you want to be up and doing things.
Frustrating yes. I really want to be back on my feet and up and running come or 20th wedding anniversary at Christmas. It's going to be a very close call. Or at least as up and running add someone needing a wheelchair to go out in (to prevent this very thing from happening) can be.

Thank you.

Sight slowly returning to the eye damaged. Limited field of view with it, all but tunnel vision and outlines, in triplicate. Red, green & blue.

Still "weeping", but no-where near as much.
On twitter I follow our local police force (didn't realise we had 1 until they popped up as a suggestion to follow them) they recently posted on their succes regarding speeding drivers, 4 I believe, I was tempted to ask them about their success rate regarding drivers who use their phones!
Well, dr's say I need to take more morphine. Much more morphine to get the pain under control and have given me another prescription for time release capsules to help get me through the 4 broken ribs and if things have not settled by Friday, I'm to have bloods and another set of x-rays done to make sure that the right hand side which was OK, not great, just OK hasn't got any worse. I may have a floating section of ribs which could be causing the problems I am having which include breathing in, not out (very painful) , can't rotate the body, twist, lean or bend, can't get myself in and out of bed and can't done my lower half clothing... I was doing OK until Sunday afternoon but went down hill on what was the less painful side. It is now the most painful side and it does not help that I'm stubborn and don't want to take the level of morphine they want me on to control the pain. But I need to so... if anything I type from now on does not make sense, report it and let @Shaun or @morning glory sort it out and I will apologise in advance if I offend anyone. I am very tired, very sore, in a lot of pain and a touch sort tempered, But I need the company and friends I have here on CC and I need them to help keep me going please. It's rather hard right now. We get up at 6am, my OH goes off to work at 7am and I am alone until he gets home somewhere between 6-7pm. I fall asleep on the sofa around 8pm on a bad night, on a good night I actually make it to be around 9:30pm, so I have company for an entire 2-3 hours a day. And because I can't drive with the broken ribs, its hard enough being a passenger, and I can't drive with the higher dose of morphine I'm on, it means I can't even go to work with him in the morning and then drive over to a friends house in Canberra if she is able to accommodate me for the entire day.... She can't come to me because she can't drive following a really bad fall back in April when she was carrying her baby son, she protected him at a very high cost to herself and is still off work 6 months later. They operate on her in 3 weeks time to try to sort some of the issues out. She broke her shoulder in 4 places along with her elbow joint and radius (which wasn't detected at the time). Anyhow - I'm waffling because I know I am getting depressed again and am trying my hardest not to withdraw but to reach out and stay in contact with people which I am rather prone to do... so please chat... I need it. thank you for listening to the waffle. I am now going to go and try to pick the colours to finish the row I am on on my blanket. I have been trying since last night but keep getting distracted. I have at least discarded some of the ones that won't work... plus I need to water the plants in the sun room because they are going to die fi they don't get water soon... bye for now...

Did I post the x-rays of my ribs? I won't do the knee, it is a touch goory to say the least. but it at least is healing.

A very gentle :hug: I suppose that is a major downside to living so far out in the sticks, you really are on your own out there.
On twitter I follow our local police force (didn't realise we had 1 until they popped up as a suggestion to follow them) they recently posted on their succes regarding speeding drivers, 4 I believe, I was tempted to ask them about their success rate regarding drivers who use their phones!
Jumping red lights, tailgating, drink drivers, drugged drivers....
Driving the wrong way up a 1 way street...

One of the guys at work had his car clamped for not having tax, a genuine error on his part and he admitted his mistake and paid. On the way home I saw a few others on the street with a clamped wheel.
You mean you don't normally wear it? :eek: I wouldn't go out of the house without some slap on.

I rarely ever wear any. I find it daunting going into Boots or where ever and being confronted by orange faced women who give me no confidence in their advise. So I am toying with buying from AVON. Thing is as I am a pale skin blonde I would choose nude foundation and pink eyeshadow but as I am 46 I don't want to look mutton as lamb plus my skills and knowledge are almost zero. My last go with mascara made me look like Alice Cooper! Perhaps you could give me some tips?
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