The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Think I need to find some time for myself tomorrow. In amongst the chooks, my blog, here, help files that need writing, photos to be edited, Christmas cake to be prepared, cleaning, dusting (major issues right now, it's really dry here and very windy during the day (like bringing branches down windy) so everything is coated in dust), sanding and varnishing the kitchen floor, painting of the DIY type, gardening, getting the 4th veg plot operational (missing soil)...
Think I need to find some time for myself tomorrow. In amongst the chooks, my blog, here, help files that need writing, photos to be edited, Christmas cake to be prepared, cleaning, dusting (major issues right now, it's really dry here and very windy during the day (like bringing branches down windy) so everything is coated in dust), sanding and varnishing the kitchen floor, painting of the DIY type, gardening, getting the 4th veg plot operational (missing soil)...
Hey I live in a desert and we have a saying here. "Dust is a protective coating. "
It probably really isn't but we have wind and sand and dust most of the time.
Think I need to find some time for myself tomorrow. In amongst the chooks, my blog, here, help files that need writing, photos to be edited, Christmas cake to be prepared, cleaning, dusting (major issues right now, it's really dry here and very windy during the day (like bringing branches down windy) so everything is coated in dust), sanding and varnishing the kitchen floor, painting of the DIY type, gardening, getting the 4th veg plot operational (missing soil)...
I lived in Cairo once (partner at that time had job there). We were allocated a fabulous apartment and a servant. I couldn't deal with having the servant waiting on me all the time and we asked if he could be posted to work for someone else, as we didn't need him. I felt tremendously guilty as he was clearly upset. He was a Nubian, very elderly, and was sending money home to his family. But I simply couldn't deal with having someone there all the time.

The day after he left I discovered why we had been given a servant. I have never before or since seen so much dust accumulate in just a day. I couldn't understand why he seemed to always have been dusting - but now I knew! Its desert dust - worst when the khamsin blows but always there.

It was literally impossible to keep on top of the dusting unless we did it obsessively every day - which of course, we didn't. So we just lived with dust...
Changed the electric bill to my name last week. I got a bill for 2 days. I called to ask a question and they gave me a $5 credit.
I am full of cold so the boss sent me home early, I am now sitting on the sofa feeling very sorry for myself :(
I am full of cold so the boss sent me home early, I am now sitting on the sofa feeling very sorry for myself :(
I would say say :hug:- except I don't want to catch that cold. So I'll just say 'get better soon'. I swear by a good hot curry or chilli...
I would say say :hug:- except I don't want to catch that cold. So I'll just say 'get better soon'. I swear by a good hot curry or chilli...

Thank you.

The annoying thing is, my colleague a smoker for many years, doesn't eat or drink very sensibly (a lot of caffeine-little water) and gets easily stressed with pressures of work-partner and kids- she never gets ill! I have never smoked, eat and drink sensibly and have a stress free life-this is my second cold of the year and I get tummy bugs!!! I am reasonably healthy so why this happens I don't know.
Hey I live in a desert and we have a saying here. "Dust is a protective coating. "
It probably really isn't but we have wind and sand and dust most of the time.

Dirt is a protective layer here - to my skin! It is filthy all the time at the moment, and so is my clothing. I really don't need to apply suncream! UV won't stand a chance of finding any exposed skin right now... hopefully it will rain tonight as predicted (60% chance so I am not holding my breath though) and clean the air a touch, Mind you that said we are getting some great earth shadows at dawn and dusk at the moment becuase of all of the sand/soil in the air!
I lived in Cairo once (partner at that time had job there). We were allocated a fabulous apartment and a servant. I couldn't deal with having the servant waiting on me all the time and we asked if he could be posted to work for someone else, as we didn't need him. I felt tremendously guilty as he was clearly upset. He was a Nubian, very elderly, and was sending money home to his family. But I simply couldn't deal with having someone there all the time.

The day after he left I discovered why we had been given a servant. I have never before or since seen so much dust accumulate in just a day. I couldn't understand why he seemed to always have been dusting - but now I knew! Its desert dust - worst when the khamsin blows but always there.

It was literally impossible to keep on top of the dusting unless we did it obsessively every day - which of course, we didn't. So we just lived with dust...
When my back went, we tried for a while with my OH managing everything (including me). I was that bad that I needed escorting to the bathroom and could not be left alone unless I was in bed. We managed but I could see the toll it was taking on him and his health. He stopped cycling to work because he claimed (even though he knew it wasn't true) that it was quicker to drive there. The shortest route was 11 miles which he could cycle in 30 minutes or so. Driving to work would also take him 30-40 minutes because of the traffic. He put on weight and he stopped watching portion control. He started just buying what was easiest and not worrying about the cost of things. As such the bank account took a hit as well, despite the fact that prior to my back going we had been saving around £800 a month! I was exceptionally greatful when I finally got my PIP claim sorted and we were able to get in a cleaner once a week. I hated the idea of getting someone else in to do the cleaning for me, (still do) but it was needed. It took her a month of working 5-6 hours a week in the house to get it clean enough to actually be able to only need to come once a week for 1 hour! She was very well worth the money given the circumstances. And I was managing to keep on top of the cleaning here (essential because the previous tenants were so very messy and there was a massive pest problem which we are still dealing with) until I fell and broke those darn 4 ribs. My OH says I am much better than this time last week. I don't know if I feel it but I guess I have worked out a better way to manage the pain now, and what I can do in the mornings, and when before I need to retire to a comfy chair (set of chairs that I move around to and from because I can't actually get comfortable) and after the telling off from my Dr, I am now taking much more morphine! Luckily I have never had one of those compulsive, addictive personalities and have never really had any major issues stopping control drugs that I am told are really difficult to get off!

I am full of cold so the boss sent me home early, I am now sitting on the sofa feeling very sorry for myself :(

:( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: one of these shortcuts must work!
Yes... I surrounded it with the code command* so that it did not convert it to a smilie. put it without and it does like this :hug:

* you need some way of saying this is the code without the code working so that people can see the code to know what to type to get it to work.... this gets too complicated...
On a different note, I went for a small walk with the camera today to have a look at the view this morning. I have bene thinking about doing a 'this is the view' weekly photo on my blog to show the view and how it changes through the year. And whilst I was only meters from the car port, I spotted a series of yellow flowers. I have been photo'ing most things around here with a view to identifyign them to learn them.... so thought that they were the normal yellow thing that remains as of yet unidentified but well photoed.


This stuff

Only when I got closer I realised instantly that I was looking at an orchid. Now I have a thing for orchids and at one time actually had 30 or more growing in the house including an air orchid which are very difficult to grow and actually keep alive. Mine had been going for 2 years before we left to go off and cycle around the world. So I knew instantly it was an orchid. It was a slender stem with typical orchid leaves and flowers and yellow.... It looks like this!


And it is a tiger orchid (Diuris sulphurea/)
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