The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We were in Barnsley today enjoying a Sunday roast at a lovely pub with TVC's family, his niece turned 40 yesterday so today was a family gathering, after the meal we went back to theirs for a drink and a slice of birthday cake. Always good to see the family but 4 kids under 6 are exhusting, still at least we can walk away their parents can't. Two of the boys live with their folks in Wigan and don't get to see their 2 cousins very often so when they do get together it get very noisy.
I can vouch for the fact that 4 kids are a handful.... been there, done that and don't want grandchildren!
I can vouch for the fact that 4 kids are a handful.... been there, done that and don't want grandchildren!
I'm one of 4 though on a minor technicality it is a lot more, but I only count the ones I am biologically related to and are resident in the UK (lots of step brother and sisters, plus several half brothers and sisters I don't know through my real father). My OH is also 1 of 4. We both love children and both relate to them, children are drawn to us like magnets and a friends child here in Australia (who is a foster child under the age of 18 months) absolutely loves me. He makes a bee line for me every time I see him and will choose me over his parents, his mum has no issues with this, his father is still trying to relax around children full stop. He and his brother (biological one at that) are coming over on Sunday to see us. He'll be a handful here, lots he can fall and injure himself on it, but he will love it.
I must try and see if I can get some strimming done even if it is only 5 minutes at a time 3 or 4 times a day. We purchased an extra light strimmer just so that I could lift it before I hurt my ribs.
I love having him around.

Mind you I have rather a lot of other things to get done tomorrow and the day after and the day after... :whistling:

bye... time for sleep... and I have just seen the super moon from between the clouds. May have a piccie or two, but not fantastic. Havne't found the tripod yet and only have a 200mm zoom lens, so went the other way on the little camera and zoomed out for the clouds being lit up an the scenery like daytime... only in B&W and red...
I can vouch for the fact that 4 kids are a handful.... been there, done that and don't want grandchildren!

I have two kids (one of each) and hardly ever saw them when they were growing up (nor since really). My wife looked after them when I was out working in various countries for weeks/months on end. I'll never forget (although my daughter says that she doesn't remember) - I rang home one day and my daughter answered the phone (8 y.o. maybe). I spoke to her for a minute or two and then asked if mum was there. She shouted "Mum, there's a man on the phone called daddy".

It still hurts to this day.
I didn't have much opportunity to spend time with my brothers girls when they were little, their mum wasn't particularly friendly. She died about 10 years ago which meant we saw more of them and we both now have a great relationship with 2 very lovely bright young women. My brother met someone else and they had a son but she didn't stick around so they share parenting which means we get to see him quite a lot and I love him to bits.
Today we received 3 free teabags from Taylors:
Breakfast: black tea with extra Assam, Breaktime Brew: black tea with orange and lemon, Bedtime Brew: black tea-decaffinated-with lemon balm, lemongrass, nutmeg and natural vanilla flavouring.
Today we received 3 free teabags from Taylors:
Breakfast: black tea with extra Assam, Breaktime Brew: black tea with orange and lemon, Bedtime Brew: black tea-decaffinated-with lemon balm, lemongrass, nutmeg and natural vanilla flavouring.
First one sounds best!
Today we received 3 free teabags from Taylors:
Breakfast: black tea with extra Assam, Breaktime Brew: black tea with orange and lemon, Bedtime Brew: black tea-decaffinated-with lemon balm, lemongrass, nutmeg and natural vanilla flavouring.
You could write a review on them? I have done similar of herbal teas. I think I could have been a touch scathing though!

Has anyone seen the Supermoon? Cloudy here unfortunately...
I take it I don't count?

... and I have just seen the super moon from between the clouds. May have a piccie or two, but not fantastic. Havne't found the tripod yet and only have a 200mm zoom lens, so went the other way on the little camera and zoomed out for the clouds being lit up an the scenery like daytime... only in B&W and red...

Now I know why my house has been bright at night.
Yep - we usually have to take a torch or mobile phone with us when we go to the bathroom at night (or just walk around the house). The light switches are all it amazingly useless places and getting to the bathroom from the bedroom means walking around the bed in the dark and if it wasn't bad enough having no lights around (thank you, don't want them but...) the curtains are all black out blinds that are thermally shielded. Useful in the daytime to keep them closed in summer etc. But at night it is just asking for trouble walking around in the dark without anything and light switches are all at the wrong end, if they are actually in the room you are in! The last few nights we have not needed anything, the moon has been so bright. I managed to get a few photos of it last night and whilst it was fantastic to see it without clouds (after midnight it was simply amazing), the photos that are the best are with the clouds! I'll edit some at the next planned break today and post them up here (by edit, I mean download and convert to jpeg)
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