The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Blue skies and we've finally made it to double figures now the dense fog/low cloud has burnt off. Better than yesterday at least. That was an indoors day with 5mm of (much needed) rain.

Grr, I wish my new phone could spell. Even the simple words would be a really good start.
Heavy rain since yesterday-strong winds, 1 of the trees in the back garden has gone over so we will need to cut that down once the weather has calmed down. No danger to the house but it can't be saved now.
Annual check up today at docs, just repeat on pills for bp. Bp is normal. Lost 10kg since last visit so he's happy.
Took blood as well. Said I'm in good shape.
Yep, very well done. I know how hard it is.
I've done something similar. Last weigh in was just over 11kg down from my discharge from hospital last October. I've got another 5kg to go to get back down to my personal maximum and ideally another 10kg to go for the sake of my back and to return to what I was before my back went and left me in a wheelchair. It's going to be hard but it had to be done.
Yep, very well done. I know how hard it is.
I've done something similar. Last weigh in was just over 11kg down from my discharge from hospital last October. I've got another 5kg to go to get back down to my personal maximum and ideally another 10kg to go for the sake of my back and to return to what I was before my back went and left me in a wheelchair. It's going to be hard but it had to be done.

As mentioned above, I've been helping a friend out and doing actual physical work. I've prolly become lazy because I've worked for myself for 30 years, and just basically selling myself and my products. No hard work in that. When I was 15 I was as fit as was possible, muscles to die for. But that was when I really worked hard, stripping logs with just an axe and chainsaw. That WAS hard work. The work I have been doing has caught up and I'm only doing s day or two now.
Bad backs are a pain, I'm pretty much pain free except a pill I take for nerve damage every day. Hope yours gets better, wheelchairs suck.!!

Hope yours gets better, wheelchairs suck.!!
Thank you. My back went 4 1/2 years ago now. The (UK) NHS ignored me telling me I was the wrong age group for back problems and to get off my arse and stop play acting. What had actually happened was that I had had, in the words of my senior back consultant, a catastrophic disc failure. The pressure from the disc, the actual explosion and the subsequent bleeding into my spinal column all put too much pressure on my spinal cord for too long. When I was operated on, 5-6 weeks after the disc failed, out was to save what use of the leg that they could, and too minimise any further damage. Given I couldn't use or feel most of my leg, or walk at this point, anything was better than nothing but I was always told there would be boo full recovery. At that point I too was as fit as possible. We'd not long returned from our world tour attempt (12 months, 14,000km) and I was commuting 80km 4 times a week tho care for my parents (hard labour when I got there, everything they couldn't do) plus cycling a 125-150km Sunday ride with my husband. I was averaging 1,500km a month, most of it with panniers and in all seasons. Admittedly though it was mostly on a lightweight road bike.
Sometimes it's a bit of this: :sun: Sometimes it's a bit of this too: :rain: Sometimes it's a bit of this: :cold: I'm just surprised it ain't none of this either: ❄
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