The General Chat Thread (2023)

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So today the air quality here in Northeast OH is abominable. Yesterday there was thick, hazy smoke from the Canada wildfires over in Chicago (6 hours west) to the point they said on the news it was the worst in the world (similar to New York several weeks back). Today it arrived here and it was so thick this morning my husband said he couldn't see across the street. It's still not very clear outside. The sun was supposed to be out today but it's too hazy to see it well. Visibility for driving has improved somewhat but the air smells horrible. I will be wearing a mask outside and in my car today.
I’m in Canada, and the air outside smells like burning plastic. You can see the haze, and the air quality is terrible.

I’d planned to go to the barn to ride today, but that look unlikely.
I’m in Canada, and the air outside smells like burning plastic. You can see the haze, and the air quality is terrible.

I’d planned to go to the barn to ride today, but that look unlikely.
Trust me, whenever I think about how horrible the air is here, I think about our lovely neighbors in the North and feel even more terribly sad. Plus all that beautiful land burning up into ugliness. It's just awful.

My husband had to run an errand for his mom and came home hacking.
For those of you up in the Canadian smoke, put your car air-conditioners in recirculation mode, and if your car has a cabin air filter, replace it regularly during the smoke emergency. Your home AC should use inside air, so that air should be safe.

That smoke is dangerous. Don't underestimate it.

I'll take our extreme heat over dense smoke.

It’s been a time here in Cowboyville Arizona USA.
I appreciate everyone’s concern for my absence, truly.
I won’t bore you all with the gory details, I’ll just say that I have been very ill for the past two months. I’m still recovering and haven’t got much energy physically or mentally for very much at one time.
My Dearest Husband has been taking care of our day-to-day living and he’s doing a terrific job of it too!
I hope to be back to at least half-speed soon and get posting here again … not that I’m cooking anything yet.
MAHALO! Thank you all.

Welcome back. So sorry to know you have been so poorly. I hope you are on the mend now. You would love the current challenge ingredient: pineapple! But I understand very well not being up to cooking anything - I've only just got back into cooking myself after 6 months recovering from a badly broken femur (with complications). Take it easy and cook again when and if you are able. I just did small things to start with.
Welcome back. So sorry to know you have been so poorly. I hope you are on the mend now. You would love the current challenge ingredient: pineapple! But I understand very well not being up to cooking anything - I've only just got back into cooking myself after 6 months recovering from a badly broken femur (with complications). Take it easy and cook again when and if you are able. I just did small things to start with.

I've noticed you are back to daily flights in the ModCopter. You've We've started several new threads, lately. :D

We only hit 102F/39C today. That's less than what was predicted earlier in the week.

It's 53F/12C here in the summer. Weird.
I think that's about right! Lol.

6pm and its now 2°C (35F). Apparently the morning minimum is 4°C. But given that humidity is 89% it will drop much lower yet here. Brr. At least this is thing is working again thankfully so it's a warm 16°C or 61F inside. (It should be warmer but it's having issues. I need to sweep the chimney as soon as the weather permits (aka not windy or raining) ).

For those of you up in the Canadian smoke, put your car air-conditioners in recirculation mode, and if your car has a cabin air filter, replace it regularly during the smoke emergency. Your home AC should use inside air, so that air should be safe.

That smoke is dangerous. Don't underestimate it.

I'll take our extreme heat over dense smoke.

We stayed inside for most of the day yesterday, windows closed and AC on (although it wasn’t that warm). When I did go out, I wore an N95 mask (feels super weird to put on a mask outside!). The only times I was outside maskless was to take out the recycling/compost, and yep, soon as you go outside, the burning plastic smell hits. It was nice and sunny, but the sky wasn’t blue - it was grey.

It’s slightly better today, and supposed to improve for the long weekend (Canada Day). They’re forecasting rain for the weekend, but hey, you can’t win em all!
It was a very pleasant day yesterday until about 7pm. Then all of a sudden, it absolutely tipped it down, for over an hour. Thunder lightning and buckets of rain. At one stage I couldn't even see the houses in the background (about 50 yards away)

Rain 270623.jpg
I think that's about right! Lol.

6pm and its now 2°C (35F). Apparently the morning minimum is 4°C. But given that humidity is 89% it will drop much lower yet here. Brr. At least this is thing is working again thankfully so it's a warm 16°C or 61F inside. (It should be warmer but it's having issues. I need to sweep the chimney as soon as the weather permits (aka not windy or raining) ).

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Its not like we don't get cold winters here. This was from this last December (in Fahrenheit).
Screenshot_20221223-125603_The Weather Channel.jpg

But since its summer here and nearly July, 53F is a tad bit cool. At least our AC isn't running.

The air quality improved somewhat overnight and is supposed to continue to get better over the weekend.

I fly into the jaws of hell on Monday.
Screenshot_20230629-091022_The Weather Channel.jpg
We stayed inside for most of the day yesterday, windows closed and AC on (although it wasn’t that warm). When I did go out, I wore an N95 mask (feels super weird to put on a mask outside!). The only times I was outside maskless was to take out the recycling/compost, and yep, soon as you go outside, the burning plastic smell hits. It was nice and sunny, but the sky wasn’t blue - it was grey.

It’s slightly better today, and supposed to improve for the long weekend (Canada Day). They’re forecasting rain for the weekend, but hey, you can’t win em all!

Things are looking better down here, too. The High pressure dome that has been parked over Texas is supposed to move East this weekend, with temperatures dropping into the low to mid 90s all next week.

We have a holiday next week, too. July 4th -- we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. :D

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