The General Chat Thread (2023)

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Get used to it.
Quite agree. I'm not a meteorologist, earth scientist, environmental historian or conspiracy theorist, but virtually no rain for 6 weeks in Kent, UK last year - in February - , extreme heat in Texas, 47C in Spain and Portugal and, since I arrived here in Caracas, almost constant rain for two months.. Hey, something's not right.
Quite agree. I'm not a meteorologist, earth scientist, environmental historian or conspiracy theorist, but virtually no rain for 6 weeks in Kent, UK last year - in February - , extreme heat in Texas, 47C in Spain and Portugal and, since I arrived here in Caracas, almost constant rain for two months.. Hey, something's not right.

All the science anyone really needs to understand is the Greenhouse Effect. It is very basic science.

Here's a web page for kids. Probably too advanced for MAGA cult members.

We had another good rain early this evening. Twice in two days... in July? That's unusual for North Texas at this time of summer.

I work in the environmental field, so I used to hear a lot of “climate change isn’t real!”, but those people seem to be quieter now.

The funny thing is, scientists DID get it wrong on climate change. It’s happening so much faster and is so much worse than they predicted. Turns out my plan of being dead by the time the worst effects start to be felt might not work after all.
They were saying on the news yesterday (I think) that the past 3 days had been the hottest ever recorded. We've been getting 90s as highs with feels like in the low to mid 100s unless it rains in the late afternoon, which it did today, and then the humidity shot sky high of course.

ETA: Weather just came on, 97 today, hottest day in 3 years.
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They were saying on the news yesterday (I think) that the past 3 days had been the hottest ever recorded. We've been getting 90s as highs with feels like in the low to mid 100s unless it rains in the late afternoon, which it did today, and then the humidity shot sky high of course.
Same temps and high humidity here in SE Texas. I'll be glad to go home but that's still 10 days from now.
They were saying on the news yesterday (I think) that the past 3 days had been the hottest ever recorded. We've been getting 90s as highs with feels like in the low to mid 100s unless it rains in the late afternoon, which it did today, and then the humidity shot sky high of course.

ETA: Weather just came on, 97 today, hottest day in 3 years.

I think I heard today it was four days in a row that were the hottest for the planet... so far.

Next Monday through Friday are forecast to be over 100F again here. :heat:

Last summer we had 47 days over 100F in North Texas.

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Dutch government falls as coalition partners clash over immigration

They fell about their stupidest pet peeve, migration. The one thing that's not been more of a problem than it was before, as the EU has set the amount of asylum seekers for the Netherlands to accept to 5% of the total in Europe and it's been like that for the past 20 years at least.

However they'd rather argue about something useless than try to actually do something about climate change, the farmers riots and other real problems we have here. Most likely we're now going to have a government ruled by the party of the rioting farmers. Yeehaw I guess.

And that's not mentioning the huge housing and healthcare crisis, the cost of living etc.. They're so detached from reality!
Dutch government falls as coalition partners clash over immigration

They fell about their stupidest pet peeve, migration. The one thing that's not been more of a problem than it was before, as the EU has set the amount of asylum seekers for the Netherlands to accept to 5% of the total in Europe and it's been like that for the past 20 years at least.

However they'd rather argue about something useless than try to actually do something about climate change, the farmers riots and other real problems we have here. Most likely we're now going to have a government ruled by the party of the rioting farmers. Yeehaw I guess.

And that's not mentioning the huge housing and healthcare crisis, the cost of living etc.. They're so detached from reality!

Immigration is the easy target of politicians. "Those people" are causing all of our problems. Same here. Thing is, the politicians make these draconian laws, and there are always unintended consequences. Florida farmers can't get enough workers to harvest vegetables because the State chased them all off with new laws. The Texas economy would screech to a halt without migrants, and immigrants.

But, it keeps sheeple occupied, so they don't notice that REAL problems aren't being solved.

Just be glad you don't live in Phoenix, Arizona...


118F = 48C

Immigration is the easy target of politicians. "Those people" are causing all of our problems. Same here. Thing is, the politicians make these draconian laws, and there are always unintended consequences. Florida farmers can't get enough workers to harvest vegetables because the State chased them all off with new laws. The Texas economy would screech to a halt without migrants, and immigrants.

But, it keeps sheeple occupied, so they don't notice that REAL problems aren't being solved.

Exactly, spot on ! It's so frustrating, so many problems need urgent attention but instead this is what they do
Morning all 👋

Sorry for the unexplained absence, I've been rather under the weather, on the mend now 🤞

Hope you're good and have enjoyed some great food while I've been foul tempered (I have a tolerance of being unwell of about 2 days then I get pretty annoyed my body isn't made of titanium 🤣).

If I miss replying to something please excuse me, I don't have the ability for a long read at the mo.

Energy allowing I'm going to do some experimental kitchen tomorrow with 'Kettle Cooking'
Starting with a form of breakfast, mushroom omelette with sausage and beans. Fingers crossed.
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