The General Chat Thread (2023)

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My cats love it when a fly gets into the house - very fun to chase them!

The tabby cat is a master - she’ll swat them out of the air and kill them. She’s mommy’s sweet little homicidal maniac.

The tortoiseshell - sometimes I think she lets them live because they’re fun to chase while alive. Other times I’m not so sure. One time she caught one in her mouth, and happily started mewing and trotted over to show me how clever she was - opened her mouth to show me and the fly flew out! I had to laugh even though the cat looked sooooo disappointed.

Our little darling/monster is far too lazy to bother.
We hit 106F/41C today. It is currently 99F/37C at 8PM.

Looks like records are being set all over the world for high temperatures. Parts of Italy are as hot as Texas. It got up to 122F/50C in Iraq. Phoenix set a new record for consecutive days over 110F/43.3C at 19 days. Water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and around Florida are bathwater levels -- some places over 90F/32C.

But, nothing to worry about, it's just a big hoax. :rolleyes:

But, nothing to worry about, it's just a big hoax.
Yeah. Global warming is something invented by the BBC / Universal Studios to pressure big business.
And it's actually not really that hot outside. Artificial Intelligence is making us believe it is.:hyper::hyper:
Anybody see where the My Pillow guy Mike Lindell needed to auction off some equipment because of the tremendous drop in his business due to his support of the Orange One? The auction flopped BIG time. A lot of things didn't get any bids and those that did sold for far, far, far less than what they were worth.
Anybody see where the My Pillow guy Mike Lindell needed to auction off some equipment because of the tremendous drop in his business due to his support of the Orange One? The auction flopped BIG time. A lot of things didn't get any bids and those that did sold for far, far, far less than what they were worth.

Yeah, I saw that. So many retailers stopped selling his pillows, that his company is losing millions. He was also ordered to pay the IT guy who debunked his election "data" five-million bucks, and still has that $1.3 Dominion Voting Machines lawsuit coming soon. That should wipe him out.

Whoever says that to me, I'll make them repeat it with a mouthful of peanuts...

Stay away from Florida, "where woke goes to die," according to the Governor. :facepalm:

BTW, they hit a new low, with Texas soon to follow, I'm sure. The conservative State Board of Education in Florida just set new guidelines on how Black History will be taught in Florida schools. For example, when schools teach about slavery, they have to mention both the bad, AND the good, such as, "slaves learned new skills that benefited them later in life." :eek: I'm not kidding. I guess they also got a free trip from Africa to the US. Lucky slaves.

Like I said, not to be out-extremed, I'm sure the conservative government in Texas will pass the same guidelines. I'm sure governot Abbott is already thinking, "Why didn't I think of that first."

On the weather front, it was only 102F/39C today. Tomorrow is supposed to be 103F/also 39C rounded (Fahrenheit has twice as many increments than Celsius).

Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be below 100, then back to the regularly scheduled program.

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