I had an interesting day. I went for the intake for the pain recovery centre.
I turn out to be a rare case, I do NOT have chronic pain syndrome. I have chronic acute pain caused by Periferal Spondyloatritis which is something only 1% of people with chronic pain have (the chronic acute pain is very rare, not the spondyloatritis). This means that my pain is the same as when you fall and hurt yourself, or anything else that happens right now.
Apparently the Spondyloartritis causes my joints to be inflamed, which causes continuing pain signals to happen.
Chronic pain syndrome is also real, but is caused by the brain interpreting normal stimuli as pain due to prolonged stress/or illness but has no current cause.
In my case, the pain signal is still working as normal because it has cause to go off even though it's been going off for about two years already. Which places me in the rare category of people who have chronic pain that can only be treated with pain medicine and ergo therapy. I am getting ergo therapy to learn to balance my life around the pain as much as possible, taking in account that due to the joint damage it might never go away completely.