The General Chat Thread (2024)

2 y ago I had a saga with an excess el bill, numerous calls, emails and visiting several offices, over several weeks, finally it was approved, as the meter numbers were undisputable.
But it was a ( exhausting) saga.

Hope you manage better and sooner than I did. Best of luck!
A few years ago we had a problem with our deli meter. The bill skyrocketed for no reason. After a few different frustrating calls where nobody wanted to do anything, we finally reached a lady who believed our story and took it further up the customer service ladder. They agreed to come and replace the meter.
I had a friend/regular customer who is a gas fitter and he shut the natural gas off and the meter was still running. They wouldn't believe me. So, when the contractor came to change the meter, he removed the old one and placed it in the back of his van. I was in the parking lot at the time and his son, who was his helper, said "Uh, Dad. The old meter is still running in the back of the van." We took a video of it with my phone. Finally, after a couple of weeks they agreed to adjust our gas consumption based on the previous years' bills for the same time period. It ended up being almost a thousand dollars.

One of the callers tried to convince my wife that the reason our bills were higher was because it was colder that year than previous and maybe we are opening our doors too much.

Have you ever wanted to reach into the phone and grab somebody by the throat?
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Found these on the doorstep so that was a nice surprise!

Update on how things are going here:

Very busy since the funeral of MIL but my husband and I do feel at peace with it, the past two years of her illness felt as a prolonged goodbye to the person she was and now the final moments have come we can be at peace with the thought that she is at rest. We're however very busy having to empty her house and sell it on. Her will has been made known and it's exactly what we expected, so no surprises thankfully.

And I am mentally quite 'full' because I have started the EMDR sessions for my complex PTSD last week. As it seems now I'll be having at least six months of sessions, so they're bound to be intense. But I am also looking forward to it because EMDR has helped me in the past and I am now ready to move to the next phase of my life, hopefully less burdened by my past.
Update on how things are going here:

Very busy since the funeral of MIL but my husband and I do feel at peace with it, the past two years of her illness felt as a prolonged goodbye to the person she was and now the final moments have come we can be at peace with the thought that she is at rest. We're however very busy having to empty her house and sell it on. Her will has been made known and it's exactly what we expected, so no surprises thankfully.

And I am mentally quite 'full' because I have started the EMDR sessions for my complex PTSD last week. As it seems now I'll be having at least six months of sessions, so they're bound to be intense. But I am also looking forward to it because EMDR has helped me in the past and I am now ready to move to the next phase of my life, hopefully less burdened by my past.
Sounds like a tough time you’re handling well and thats really good, really positive.
Lovely post.
Sounds like a tough time you’re handling well and thats really good, really positive.
Lovely post.
Also I forgot to tell you guys the good news that I am working as a volunteer at a feminist organisation. I joined in August and have passed my trial. I'm a Facebook admin for them.
And I've decided that I've got a pack of vultures not chooks. We call them the newbies, they're now 3, (were 5) chickens from a 'local' eggs farm. They've taken to free range life like ducks to water but they've not lost their scavenging tendencies or the fighting over a found food source. Today I ended up going out to intervene on the chase around the garden because I couldn't quite make it out what they'd found, but it looked big, too big for them to swallow...

And I came away with the lower jaw and teeth of a very recently deceased rabbit. There was no flesh left on it except for a tiny morsel of rabbit skin and they were fighting over it as though they're was no good around anywhere! It was probably started by the chook (Casandra) who is very good at catching frogs... if it moves or it is red and she's around it's eaten.
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We're however very busy having to empty her house and sell it
That in itself can be very therapeutic. It was down to me (and my wife) to clean out my parent's bungalow and we had some interesting, sometimes hilarious, and sometimes poignant moments with things we found. Things like newspaper cuttings of us three siblings from back in the late 50s and 60s. My sister's ballet shoes. My school notebooks (cringe!). Two 2 mt high piles of sheet music. Tins of mandarin segments from 2014.
Everything, apart from a few bits & pieces, was disposed of, because I wasn't going to take loads of stuff back to Venezuela, my brother wanted none of it and my sister neither. Done and dusted, page turned, new episode. Peace of mind.
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