Forum GOD!
Good luck with that.No to the surge protectors for the house, but all our own appliances are on them with extension leads that have them built in, if that makes sense.
And I don't like the ants situation either. But I don't have time to deal with it before my exams, so for the moment I have literally taped the entire socket over and will address it next week. (We've got any killer down under the house and also in the garage, plus I've emptied an entire can of the stuff into that wall space as it is, just from the ceiling. I'll need to take the electrics down and do it at the wall socket next week after my exams.
My understanding of ants is there are different types that have to be killed differently or some varieties will simply disperse and set up home somewhere else you don’t want them

Our garden is racked out with them, fortunately they are the variety that likes soil, so far they’ve stayed out of the house

Is there any mileage in calling a pest control company or are you genned up and ready to go?