-5c here - finally getting some proper winter weather! No snow though. We had snow last week, but then it got super warm and it all melted.
Hoping that the trip home is uneventful - transit has been a complete gong show lately. Last week my train was over 30 min late - I bailed and worked from home instead.
Yesterday an ENTIRE LINE of the subway was down - luckily it was back up by the time I got there, but things were super crowded.
Today I was 45 min late to work because of another train delay. Apparently a vehicle ended up on the tracks, so the emergency crews had to come and remove it, and the whole line backed up with trains holding at every station.
Hoping that the trip home is uneventful - transit has been a complete gong show lately. Last week my train was over 30 min late - I bailed and worked from home instead.
Yesterday an ENTIRE LINE of the subway was down - luckily it was back up by the time I got there, but things were super crowded.
Today I was 45 min late to work because of another train delay. Apparently a vehicle ended up on the tracks, so the emergency crews had to come and remove it, and the whole line backed up with trains holding at every station.