Last night was a helluva on-call night.
First, I was already scheduled to be online at 3AM for some maintenance - not my maintenance, but I had to confirm that my stuff still worked after some server techs did their maintenance.
I contacted one of them earlier in the day and asked if the 3AM time was a hard start time or an estimate:
“It’s an estimate, based on what we saw doing this in our development and testing areas.”
“Ok…so you want me up and on at 3AM, but you may finish earlier, or you may finish later?”
“Yep, it all depends.”
“Why don’t you just page me out or call me when you’re done? That way, if you finish early, you’re not waiting for me to get on at 3AM, and if you finish late, I’m not sitting there awake with my thumb up my…nose waiting on you to finish.”
“Nah, we have a meeting set up already…just join that at 2:30AM and see where we are.”
Sigh…. common sense isn’t that common.
Went to bed at 10PM to try and get a little sleep - got paged for a separate issue at 1:30AM. That took until 2AM to fix.
Then, I figured it made more sense to just wait until 2:30AM and see where the admins were with their stuff. Got on that meeting, they weren’t even close, stayed on until 3AM, still not even close to being done, went back to bed.
They called me at 4:15AM to say they were done. Sure wish someone had suggested that earlier…
Up to do my bit for that, was done by 4:30AM, back in bed…and I got paged for a separate issue at 5:30AM, and that took about 20 minutes to fix.
At that point, I just stayed up, but fell asleep sitting up on the couch, until MrsT got up at around 8AM, looking for coffee.

First, I was already scheduled to be online at 3AM for some maintenance - not my maintenance, but I had to confirm that my stuff still worked after some server techs did their maintenance.
I contacted one of them earlier in the day and asked if the 3AM time was a hard start time or an estimate:
“It’s an estimate, based on what we saw doing this in our development and testing areas.”
“Ok…so you want me up and on at 3AM, but you may finish earlier, or you may finish later?”
“Yep, it all depends.”
“Why don’t you just page me out or call me when you’re done? That way, if you finish early, you’re not waiting for me to get on at 3AM, and if you finish late, I’m not sitting there awake with my thumb up my…nose waiting on you to finish.”
“Nah, we have a meeting set up already…just join that at 2:30AM and see where we are.”
Sigh…. common sense isn’t that common.

Went to bed at 10PM to try and get a little sleep - got paged for a separate issue at 1:30AM. That took until 2AM to fix.
Then, I figured it made more sense to just wait until 2:30AM and see where the admins were with their stuff. Got on that meeting, they weren’t even close, stayed on until 3AM, still not even close to being done, went back to bed.
They called me at 4:15AM to say they were done. Sure wish someone had suggested that earlier…

Up to do my bit for that, was done by 4:30AM, back in bed…and I got paged for a separate issue at 5:30AM, and that took about 20 minutes to fix.
At that point, I just stayed up, but fell asleep sitting up on the couch, until MrsT got up at around 8AM, looking for coffee.