I put a lot of miles on the cars I own. I often use the expression that I plan to "drive the car until the wheels fall off". But, this is the first time it actually happened. I had just passed 197,000 miles, fully expecting to see 200,000, when I started hearing a rattling. I was on the freeway, so I pulled off and checked the tires, thinking one may have been going flat. Everything looked good, so I got back in the car and kept driving.
Until the left front wheel fell off the car and rolled into a ditch. I had just exited the freeway, near my house. When I went to look at the car, I saw this:
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There are supposed to be studs sticking out for the wheel to go onto. They had rusted and broken off after over a decade of driving in Michigan (which salts the roads and has a lot of pot holes) and many other places.
Note the low tire pressure warning...I wonder why?
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The ditch the tire rolled into is about 10 feet deep, and filled with high grass. I went there Sunday to look for the wheel, but I couldn't find it. Yesterday, I bought a 2024 Ford Bronco, the first new car I've gotten in 15 years. It has 4 wheels...I already like it 33% better than my old car.
Thursday, the insurance claims adjuster will come over to take a look at the car in my driveway. Someone mentioned that my policy doesn't cover mechanical failures. HOWEVER:
- I did go over some rough roads, including broken up pavement and bumps in the freeway.
- They've happily taken my insurance premium for 10 years on this car, and I've never had any claims on it. In fact, I don't know if we've ever had any claims in the last several years.
- If I weren't such a good driver, I would have put the car into the ditch along with the wheel, or into the other cars on the ramp.
I was traveling about 60 MPH when the wheel fell off, and the ramp is curved. Plus, my wife's mom and our son were in the back seat, and not buckled in, and so were our dogs. Instead of a calling for a tow, I could have been calling an ambulance.
I plan to explain all this to insurance adjuster...as calmly as I can.