The General Chat Thread (2024)

Congratulations to both football teams England and Spain, and especially Spain for winning the Euro 2024.
I tuned in into the last 15 min of the game. Well played!
Damn Spain and Damn England:hyper::hyper::hyper:
Right - that's got rid of the unaccustomed and uncalled for aggression:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
We watched the game in a pub right next to the football stadium. I arrived an hour and a half earlier to find a spot, but no way - the place was packed with British football fans.
We spent a considerably sweaty 3 hours in the pub, watching the game, and then slouched out.
England, IMHO, has a far better group of individual talent than Spain but Spain has a better team.
Additionally, the England manager has rigid plans on how the team should play,no idea how to be creative, innovative or exciting, a fixation with using the same players over and over again,regardless of their form, little interest in reacting to an adverse situation and annoying penchant for putting players in the wrong positions on the field.
Having said that, I love him to bits and hope he has a wonderful life managing John O'Groats United...
Don't worry, it only leaks when it rains :)
(My standard saying as I got a leaking roof)
Old joke:

City slicker: Farmer, your roof is letting the rain in, why don’t you fix it?!

Farmer: Cuz I cain’t when it’s rainin’, an’ when the sun’s shinin’, it don’ leak!
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