The General Chat Thread (2024)

We're still cool with daytime 35's (95 F), but summer is on the way
(40 oC = 104 F for the metrically challenged)
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Give it a month or so and I'll be hiding indoors with everything shut during the day. February is usually the worst. I've seen 44.3°C at the house we're living in now. That's when we bail to the cinema or just go shopping for the air-conditioning!

We have to laugh though when we listen to the weather forecasts and hear that the winter low temperature is 34°C. That's a long way north of us and no way I could manage that. But you do adapt.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I HATE all of you northerners with temperatures in the high 60s, when we had a feels like high of 108 F today!
We’ve had that string of 90’s and high 80’s, and it finally rained yesterday (while I was mowing the grass, which was so dry it turned to dust as I mowed it), and today…finally…high of 67F.
So we got a new washing machine a few weeks ago. It’s great, but I was noticing my clothes coming out warmer than I’d expected (I wash pretty much everything on cold). I discovered that sometimes installers accidentally switch/cross the lines when they hook up the water to the machine, so I asked Mr. Herbaceous if he’d take a look at it today.

He went back there and checked, and determined that yep, the lines had been switched (so cold was hooked up to hot, and hot was hooked up to cold). No biggie, he can switch them.

A few min later he shouts at me to bring him a bucket. So I go to grab a bucket, and he yells “no, just a cup!” Ok well you said bucket, but I grab a mug and hold it under the tap to catch drips as he’s loosening up the line.

He gets it loose, I immediately get sprayed in the face by hot water as it starts gushing out of the tap, because genius had forgotten to turn off the input before loosening the supply line to the washer.

It was a pain to clean up, but at least I’m fully awake now!
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I still hate you guys! We'll have a few  cool days because of rain and clouds, though cool will be in mid to high 80s, but right back to 90s after that.

You can hate. I won't mind. I would literally expire in your temperatures. Its a lovely 18c here (64.4 F).
So we got a new washing machine a few weeks ago. It’s great, but I was noticing my clothes coming out warmer than I’d expected (I wash pretty much everything on cold). I discovered that sometimes installers accidentally switch/cross the lines when they hook up the water to the machine, so I asked Mr. Herbaceous if he’d take a look at it today.

He went back there and checked, and determined that yep, the lines had been switched (so cold was hooked up to hot, and hot was hooked up to cold). No biggie, he can switch them.

A few min later he shouts at me to bring him a bucket. So I go to grab a bucket, and he yells “no, just a cup!” Ok well you said bucket, but I grab a mug and hold it under the tap to catch drips as he’s loosening up the line.

He gets it loose, I immediately get sprayed in the face by hot water as it starts gushing out of the tap, because genuis had forgotten to turn off the input before loosening the supply line to the washer.

It was a pain to clean up, but at least I’m fully awake now!
Ouch. Our hot water would have left him being a visit to emergency.

But that said, washing machines here (and in the UK) haven't had a hot water intake for a long time (i can go back to my old one in the UK which we bought back in 1998 that didn't have a hot intake), so you can only connect to the cold water supply or hot water, not both. There's no option for connecting both.
Ouch. Our hot water would have left him being a visit to emergency.

But that said, washing machines here (and in the UK) haven't had a hot water intake for a long time (i can go back to my old one in the UK which we bought back in 1998 that didn't have a hot intake), so you can only connect to the cold water supply or hot water, not both. There's no option for connecting both.
Yeah, luckily it wasn’t hooked up directly to the hot water tank so it was only unpleasant, not painful.

In any case, I did some laundry today and it seems to be fixed now. I do love the new machine - it spins really fast so laundry needs so much less time in the dryer/on the line. It also has a fancy auto-dispenser thingy for detergent, although I doubt we’ll use it long-term. The machine came with a 6 month supply of detergent, but it’s got a much stronger fragrance than I’m used to and I think I prefer something unscented.
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