What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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TLNG. Travel of any kind sounds so wild right now but that display case is amazing.

Midwinter here and bloody freezing cold. Sydney is ok but Bathurst is below zero each morning.

Lots of chilli, some retro dishes, we are on an instant noodle kick. Need a new brand/flavour every week. Korean “raymun” ones have been on sale at one of my favourite Asian grocers recently. Not much clue what we are eating a lot of the time but it’s fun. Top with egg & other typical ramen topping but kimchi also.

Other Korean spicy stews and things too. Craving spicy food.

My son has requested penne arrabiata tonight
TLNG. Travel of any kind sounds so wild right now but that display case is amazing.
I am honestly surprised that Athens looks a lot like it did when I was here 2 years ago.


Masks are required in pharmacies (no surprise there) and also in some of the cramped shops, and in museums, but most dining is outdoors.
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