What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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If you had more Jimmy Dean breakfast muffins, hash browns and OJ, wouldn't it be unavoidable to do the same breakfast again?


I did the same, but with more hash browns, this time.
Looks good, but a bear like me would still be famished with that little bit.

Its a very large plate and that's 90g (dry weight) of pasta which is an 'average' portion for one, I think. If you add up calories it comes quite high!

75g Boursin = 300 Kcal
90g pasta = 120 Kcals
1 tbsp double cream = 50 Kcals
Parmesan = 50 Kcals

Total = a whopping 520 Kcals. That about a quarter of the daily cals needed by an an average man or in my case over half my calorie allowance!
Green curry. Whoever invented coconut milk was a genius!
View attachment 69216

Looks really gorgeous; beautifully plated!

I beg to differ re coconut milk. I'm rather biased as I have an intolerance and feel slightly nauseous if I accidentally have some. But in any case I dislike that creamy slightly sweet affect in curry. I think Yorky is of the same mind. I know that loads of people love it though.
Looks really gorgeous; beautifully plated!

I beg to differ re coconut milk. I'm rather biased as I have an intolerance and feel slightly nauseous if I accidentally have some. But in any case I dislike that creamy slightly sweet affect in curry. I think Yorky is of the same mind. I know that loads of people love it though.
Heh, you would not like my food very much then. As someone with Sumatran blood ( an island in Indonesia) coconut runs through my veins :laugh:
Looks really gorgeous; beautifully plated!

I beg to differ re coconut milk. I'm rather biased as I have an intolerance and feel slightly nauseous if I accidentally have some. But in any case I dislike that creamy slightly sweet affect in curry. I think Yorky is of the same mind. I know that loads of people love it though.
I much prefer a coconut milk based curry than a tomato or cream base as you would get more commonly in Indian cuisine, it just seems fresher and lighter to me.

The way Coconut milk, chilli, lime and fish sauce work together is a favourite of mine.
I much prefer a coconut milk based curry than a tomato or cream base as you would get more commonly in Indian cuisine, it just seems fresher and lighter to me.

Its the opposite for me. I find coconut milk cloying in taste.
Heh, you would not like my food very much then. As someone with Sumatran blood ( an island in Indonesia) coconut runs through my veins :laugh:

I know. I respect that.
Looks beautiful.

I was too tired to cook tonight, cooking a more proper birthday meal tomorrow. We'd eaten so much cake at my MIL's house that dinner was skipped today! :laugh:
I'm sorry you have to cook your own birthday meal. Maybe MypinchofItaly can pop over, lol.

At any rate, happy birthday!
I'm sorry you have to cook your own birthday meal. Maybe MypinchofItaly can pop over, lol.

At any rate, happy birthday!
Don't be sorry, it was my own choice! My birthday was celebrated thoroughly throughout the past 2 weeks. So this is fine.

My day was wonderful ❤ and we might order pizza tomorrow
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