What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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Morning Glory, I have had a weird issue with duplicate posts since yesterday, not every time but on 3 different occasions thus far. And above one came out blank? Not sure if it's something on my end or if it's forum related, but doesn't look like anyone else had the same issue.
Today's meal was turkey sandwiches, brussel sprouts and French fries, served with a hefe weissbier.


The sandwiches used horseradish mustard, Romaine lettuce, onion and melted cheese.

Note that the beer came in 11.2 Oz. bottles and the double wall schooner glass is 14 Oz. That allowed catching the foam as the beer was poured, quite nicely.
Morning Glory, I have had a weird issue with duplicate posts since yesterday, not every time but on 3 different occasions thus far. And above one came out blank? Not sure if it's something on my end or if it's forum related, but doesn't look like anyone else had the same issue.
It's a bit of both. Dodgy connection at your end with a slightly slow server response and if you don't see a response from the server you press the reply button again and again until you do... But each time you press reply, you get a reply... you just don't get to see it until refresh or get a better response.

I'm hoping it will improve when we move servers. I often see it because of my satellite broadband. I'm afraid at the moment you'll just have to be patient. It happens in threads with lots of pictures. It takes time for each one to be displayed. I often get a time out error message.

Just use the report button to let us know if duplicates and we'll delete them for you. No need to edit them.
It's a bit of both. Dodgy connection at your end with a slightly slow server response and if you don't see a response from the server you press the reply button again and again until you do... But each time you press reply, you get a reply... you just don't get to see it until refresh or get a better response.

I'm hoping it will improve when we move servers. I often see it because of my satellite broadband. I'm afraid at the moment you'll just have to be patient. It happens in threads with lots of pictures. It takes time for each one to be displayed. I often get a time out error message.

Just use the report button to let us know if duplicates and we'll delete them for you. No need to edit them.
Well, I only pressed it once, and there were no photos...and it loaded quickly, it just loaded them twice. But it doesn't do it everytime.
Another fun language difference. In the Southern US, the nickname for tomatoes is "maters" (may-ters).

"I've got me a good crop of maters growin' in the backyard."

You know, you live in Texas. My cousins and other people I know who live there seem to realize that Texas is the Southwest, which is entirely different. Guess you didn't get the memo :laugh:

But then again, Florida is considered a Southern state, and depending on whether one lives on the coast or not, the terminology and dialect can be vastly different.
I'm sorry you have to cook your own birthday meal. Maybe MypinchofItaly can pop over, lol.

At any rate, happy birthday!

I’d be glad to do it as I’d hope for the same to happen on mine 😄
I’m sure Windigo is a great cook and I always drool (what a nice image of me 😂) on her food photos!
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