An interesting learning curve, a flop that is so impressive in taste, that I will rectify by using a cabbage of the appropriate age

. Plus a new way to cook meatballs.
This cabbage was too young. It was so tender, it literally fell apart. Spaghetti serving as stick n hold tools did not help. But it was de li ci ous.
Recipe for (fresh,sweet) cabbage rolls by Kimono mom,s kitchen, varied.
Then I transformed the meat mixture into meat balls, plus lovely sauce.
Ground pork and beef, finely ground, bulgur, fresh onion, smoked paprika(a breeze). Over pasta.
From 1 to 10, kid said those were 15

She knows not there was bulgur inside the mixture.

It was fluffy, well seasoned.
I thought, they would break, they just about did, but still hold somehow/no egg. The sauce I oversalted a tad, but with pasta and fresh cucs it was ok. Sauce got a 9/10

Pre final cooking, sorry for the onion, using the same plate before tossing the rolls into the pot.