What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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I meant the green leaves and flowers on the side.
Ok, I misunderstood because the picture names them in the description "Wild Rocket (inc flowers)".
It has taken over a patch of the veg plot and the lawn to the side of it, though the chooks eat the stuff in the lawn as quickly as it grows. It self seeds, but importantly flowers constantly so is a valuable nectar source for our nectar feeding wild birds in the winter. We frequently see them hovering to drink from the flowers when there is nothing else around for them, so we let it have that corner of the veg patch.
Thai yellow chicken curry ❤
After my morning coffee and oats, I will be fasting today. I have a blood lab tomorrow morning prior to my annual checkup with my primary care physician. So, I do no cooking or food today, except for the early morning coffee and oats.

After the blood lab, I will do some recipes using tobiko (flying fish roe). That will surely include some sushi, teka maki and California rolls using eggs.

I look forward to that.
It was 98F/37C today here. We are expecting the same tomorrow and Wednesday. Then about 5 to 8 degrees cooler going into the weekend. Autumn weather doesn't start here for at least another month.

That means no soups, stews, gumbos or chilis for a while. I'm still cooking for hot weather.

Oh that is exhausting. The heat...but a month will probably run by fast enough...hopefully🍀
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