What did you cook or eat today (August 2024)

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Well the unfolding disaster didn’t happen, they were really good!
Next lot I’ll try crisped up then fridged and I’ll also pack more in by patting the contents down a more firmly.
Must have got it about right because Mr SSOAP said ooo yum, these taste like samosa’s in a wrap!

As it’s potatoes, a legume and spices that’s not really a surprise but I’m happy 😊

An array of gluten free store bought cookies, tiny cup of almond milk (1 dl).

Why is it that I see the Best By date after I come home🙄🤨it expired 3 d ago...

But being dry cookies, I ate some.

Ok, not enthusiastic, the dark brown gets the highest ranking. But not buying again.

Luckily, the same store had wonderful raspberries and blueberries.

This makes me think of the "What made you smile" thread where someone posted a "Peppa Pig" jigsaw puzzle inage but it was a package of pork mince or cubed pork, I can't recall which...
Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 12-27-43 The New Peppa Pig Jigsaw - Imgur.png

Okay so it looks like cubed bacon or pork belly. I actually found this online instead of searching through that thread that had about 1,000 posts in it...
The gardener finally made it yesterday ( he's also here today). He's about 30 yrs old, lives in a town about 70 kms (43 miles) away , has a 28 yr old wife, and an ex-wife, and 4 kids, aged 8,6,6,2. He leaves home around 5am to get here at 8, then goes home around 4pm. Not only does he do the garden well; he's also an excellent electrician, plumber and plasterer. He's also a very pleasant, unassuming bloke who is only interested in providing for his family.
After the elections on July 28th, the entire country closed down and there were disturbances, so most businesses , and public transport, closed down. That meant he couldn't go out to work and, since these folks live on a day to day basis, he and his young family were probably living on an arepa a day - carbohydrates, but no protein. He called me a couple of times to ask for money but I don't do that, although it breaks my heart to think that 4 little people are starving.
Anyway - he made it here yesterday and I decided to cook some stuff that was hanging around in the freezer: Cazuela de Pollo, Lentejas, y Chorizo ( Chicken, Lentil and Chorizo stew)
I don't give him money ( although I pay him for his work, of course) but I do give him food. Mangos that fall off the trees - he takes them home - and the protein bomb I made yesterday might just keep his brood with full stomachs for a day or two.
Cazuela 1.jpg
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