What did you cook or eat today (December 2023)

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Classic lamb cutlets.


View: https://youtu.be/brTEfMD9ouo
No cleaning lady here. Wifes gone to her works do. Babysitting eli as well today.
Lunch..... you guessed it.
Isla. Mince and cheese pie
Eli . Butter chicken
Me . Pasty.
Kids got a custard square to share.
They left with $40.
Change $13.
Its expensive having grandkids.

Veggie pizza with a little side salad, courtesy of Hello Fresh.

Husband was too tired to cook yesterday so we ordered pizza. Pizza tonight. I’ll probably have the leftovers from yesterday on Sat for lunch, and then we’re having friends over on Sunday and we’re making bbq pizza.

Tasty would be ecstatic!
Also home alone

So polished off my serving of gazpacho with the crunchy croutons. Then started on dessert, rhubarb, yoghurt, raspberries, mango and some yoghurt because I couldn't find the ice cream. Finally found the icecream and ate both portions. Hubby's at a Christmas meal and I've been working in the garden all day.

I'm stuffed. So I'm off to sit and knit until I need to ring my sister this evening, if I'm still awake.
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