I made a burger in the air fryer. It was a little dry, which may have been the air fryer, or the mix of 92% lean beef and 93% lean turkey.
My personal opinion, with all due respect

- NEVER make a burger in an air fryer. Burgers need fat and (preferably) grills, although I´d be ok making a burger in a frying pan - with oil in it.

Secondly, a burger needs FAT in the meat; at least 20%, and preferably more. That´s where the flavour comes from. A lot of the fat leaches out, but it´s still there for the flavour when it´s cooking. I once asked a chef mate, who cooks meat, meat, meat and meat, what his ideal burger was made of. He said: fresh minced meat, with all the fat, salt and pepper!
Thirdly, turkey is probably the least fatty meat in existence and is prone to drying out in about 3 seconds. Avoid like the plague.
Fourthly, a burger is an institution. It´s glorious minced beef, with no additional flavouring necessary because you dump that on top when you serve it. It´s an American (and probably, international) icon! Don´t mess with it!! Bring on the fat!! Bring on the taste! Exceed your calorie count for at least one day, but enjoy it ! Comfort food is never low fat - it´s just not on the menu

Make yourself a proper, fatty burger tomorrow, on the grill. Saturday, you can beat yourself up and have a green vegetable salad with Kroger´s Lite Mayo.