What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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You brother is right, and so are you and his wife. It is a genetic thing. To some people, the aldehydes in cilantro leaves trigger a soap taste. I have that genetic disposition, and one of my pet peeves is when somebody who doesn't tells me I'm "wrong" about cilantro tasting like soap.


A mate here has the same. Which is bloody awkward here as they add coriander leaf to almost everything.
A mate here has the same. Which is bloody awkward here as they add coriander leaf to almost everything.
What’s funny is I know so many couples where one person loves it, but the other person gets the soapy taste. That’s how it is for us, too.
I have that genetic disposition, and one of my pet peeves is when somebody who doesn't tells me I'm "wrong" about cilantro tasting like soap.

Hey, he likes liver and sweet potatoes (I assume not in the same meal). I don't tell him he's not allowed, that would be pointless and stupid.
Hey, he likes liver and sweet potatoes (I assume not in the same meal). I don't tell him he's not allowed, that would be pointless and stupid.

It is not a matter of personal tastes, like liver. Some people like liver, others don't. With cilantro, it literally tastes different to people who have that genetic sensitivity to the aldehydes in cilantro leaves. What you taste, and what he tastes are not the same thing.

Think of it this way... somebody who is colorblind may look at the paint on a wall and say, "That's blue," while someone who is not colorblind will say, "That is clearly green." When I put cilantro in my mouth, I don't taste the same thing you taste.

It is not a matter of personal tastes, like liver. Some people like liver, others don't. With cilantro, it literally tastes different to people who have that genetic sensitivity to the aldehydes in cilantro leaves. What you taste, and what he tastes are not the same thing.

Think of it this way... somebody who is colorblind may look at the paint on a wall and say, "That's blue," while someone who is not colorblind will say, "That is clearly green." When I put cilantro in my mouth, I don't taste the same thing you taste.

About one in ten (10%) of people who dislike coriander (cilantro) have that gene. The rest (90%) just plain don't like the taste. Nothing wrong with that, we can't all like the same things.
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Think of it this way... somebody who is colorblind may look at the paint on a wall and say, "That's blue," while someone who is not colorblind will say, "That is clearly green." When I put cilantro in my mouth, I don't taste the same thing you taste.
That´s a good analogy. When I first heard of this aversion to coriander leaf, I took some out of the fridge and ate it, just as it was. I did notice the "soapy" flavour, very faintly. For those of us who aren´t affected, I surmise the coriander blends in with whatever other ingredients are being used and changes a little. I always associate coriander leaf with "citric".
That´s a good analogy. When I first heard of this aversion to coriander leaf, I took some out of the fridge and ate it, just as it was. I did notice the "soapy" flavour, very faintly. For those of us who aren´t affected, I surmise the coriander blends in with whatever other ingredients are being used and changes a little. I always associate coriander leaf with "citric".

I have put cilantro, chopped small, into salsas before, and I couldn't taste the soap flavor. I could taste that there was cilantro in the salsa (and liked it), but could not detect the aldehydes, for some reason. Perhaps the acids in the tomatoes and vinegar neutralized the aldehydes. I don't know.

If I put some fresh cilantro on a taco, I definitely taste the aldehydes.

Went out for a meal last night to one of my favourite pubs.
Haddock & Chips for BIL; Sea Bass with fennel and asparagus for little bro; Seafood Risotto with mussels, prawns and samphire for me. No pics for those, but they were all delicious.
Then dessert:

Lemon mousse, white chocolate sphere, lemon-flavoured sawdust and a rather incongruous chunk of white chocolate ( I thought it was butter, initially!) on the side. It was good, but I think dark chocolate would have worked better.
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