What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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Cheesecake with orange caramel topping

Beef cheek, veggies, bechamel, pommes macaire

Black fishcake, lambs lettuce, coral tuile
They look really cool!
Thanks! They were super easy to make, and I made a big batch of them so I can refrigerate them and heat them up in the morning in the microwave (they can be frozen, too). I bought these little silicone muffin cups recently (never tried them before) and they just pop right out, no grease needed. I have paper muffin cups but I didn't use them, thinking that the eggs might stick to the paper. I also liked how the eggs didn't brown on the bottom.


Going to write up that recipe now.
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JAS_OH1 those Egg Bites are much more goodie filed then what I attempt... and those silicone muffin cups are just too cool!
Yeah, thank you, I loaded them up with veggies for a healthy punch. I had both a silicone pan, and the reusable muffin inserts for my metal pans, I'm going to get more of the inserts, they're great!
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