What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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That’s one of my favorite meals. I just bought beans and baking potatoes to make that sometime soon.

I will admit…I did pick that up in the UK. 🇬🇧

Only Bush's beans in my house. Psycho-poodle and Duke are buddies.

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Family Sunday here. Daughter doj g bbq. Chops sausage and kebabs.
Just made salads. First time kids been here 3 weeks.
Nice day so we will sit outside.
Baked potatoes in spicy yoghurt. These were a hit last time.

Thai red curry with chicken

I've always preferred the red curry over the green curry. In my experience red curry does not necessarily include coconut milk/cream (which I find a little sweet).
I've always preferred the red curry over the green curry. In my experience red curry does not necessarily include coconut milk/cream (which I find a little sweet).
But the red one is very hot, isn't it?
I never bought it, instead I love the green one :D

Here today baked pasta, in oven right now, tagliatelle with ragù bolognese and bechamel (lot of parmesan cheese of course)

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They look pretty good. Colour is good. I've never tried "no-soak" ones before.
They tasted pretty good, but to get them to that consistency, I had to cook them down for twice the time indicated, and at a good boil, not a “gentle simmer,” as recommended.

I have a high tolerance for salt, so I generally salt-taste-salt, but out of character, I tasted these first, since I’d never used them before, and they were plenty salty.
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