We had to go to Miami today. It was apparently crazy/bad driver day. Nearly got sideswiped before we even got on the expressway by an a-hole who thought they were the most important person on the road and everyone else needed to get out of their way. I had to slam the brakes on and fortunately had a few feet to the left i was able to jerk the wheel over. Then, when getting on expressway, got cut off by a moving type truck driver. About half way into our trip, had 2 drivers that were obviously in a huge hurry. One of them nearly sideswiped someone driving over 75 MPH as that was apparently too slow. The 2 speed demons must have been doing 85-90 MPH as they were doing some low flying. Then, nearly to where a bunch of expressways come together and there are 5 lanes, a panel/delivery truck ws stopped in the middle lane, just stopped. This will be further written about later. We exit off to go west, we had been traveling south, on a different expressway. Get to our destination with just the usual lunacy of Miami drivers. Start heading back. Get on the northbound expressway, then about a mile to a dead stop. Traffic starts moving slowly. I notice, there's hardly any traffic going south and wonder why. You know that truck that was stopped in the middle of the expressway? Yep, another truck hit it because I guess the driver wasn't paying attention to the road. Debris and trucks were scattered across 4 of the 5 lanes. Cops everywhere from several departments. Accident made the news tonight. No major injuries, but traffic backed up for miles and miles for hours going south because both trucks were on their sides, front of one slammed into the center median, plus all the debris.
Anyway, we made the delivery. After, picked up some Krispy Kremes, they were hot!, and some burgers and fries from Culver's on the way home.