That was a running joke in my office at one time.
For a period of about seven years, we were “tip of the spear” for a many-millions project - heading up the purchasing decision, acceptance, customization, rollout, and initial support. As such, for that time, it was a constant turnover of high-visibility mucky-mucks coming in for corporate photo ops and things like that.
They’d always buy the team of about 30 lunch, and it was almost always pizza, just because our building was situated in an industrial park setting, and all we had nearby were a couple of fast food places and this walk-in pizza place (no seats).
There were weeks where we’d get pizza for lunch three times. We’d get pizza while there was still leftover pizza from the day before. We’d get so much pizza that some people (not me) would grab whole pies, tape the box shut, stick it in the fridge, then take it home to their kids.
A typical day:
Corporate Shiny Suit: “Hey guys, we just love what you all are doing here, all the long hours you’re putting in, and the time away from your families, we couldn’t do this without you, so…LUNCH IS ON US TODAY - PIZZA!!! How’s that grab you, everybody loves pizza, right guys?!

Us: “yay…pizza…from around the corner…again…and it’s wednesday…and I’ve already worked 32 hours this week…and the other guy bought us pizza monday…which is still clogging up the fridges…yay…

Suit: “Anyway, we need everybody to stay until 7PM tonight, but hey, you know what?!”
Us: “Don’t say it…”
Suit: “We’re getting enough pizza so you can have it for dinner! It’s like a big ol’ pizza party up in here! You’re welcome!…now where’s my driver so I can get back on the corporate jet? Chef is making roast lemon-tarragon chicken in white wine sauce…”