What did you cook or eat today (October 2024)?

TVC was on cooking duty this evening.

There's a reason I never show cutlery in my pictures. It totally depends on the meal I'm eating as to what hand I use the utensil in. Some days it's my right hand, some days it's my left. I was left handed, but as a kid was of the generation where it was thought you copying 'cure' it by forcing them to learn to write with the right hand. All that did for my writing was to make me mirror write instead.

Even now, certain letters of the alphabet will be the wrong way round if I'm tired. Mirror writing is still very easy and I can write with both hands. I tend to stick to large knives in my right hand, but small knives can be in either hand and I'm quite happy using a mouse on either side of the keyboard.

So you would stab mrs t with left ot right??

Lunch out with my Mom after her bi-weekly beautification day.


One of our favorite places, NOT DH's, so he stayed at home :laugh:
This is one of their specialties, half - sandwich, soup or salad - pick two.
I had looked ahead and knew that their Mushroom Soup was on deck today, one of our faves!
And then a half sandwich, rare Steak - thinly sliced, Bleu Cheese crumbles, roasted Red Peppers, Red Onions, Lettuce & Tomato (which I gave to Mom, she said it was very good `maters) and a gorgeous Herbed Mayonnaise, all on their wonderful house Sour Dough Bread.
It's alot of food for less than $13USD.
I added a glass of local White Wine for Moi, a blend of what I have no idea, but it's very nice and capped off that lunch perfectly for me.
It was a breath-takingly beautiful day, so we sat out on their patio.
On the way out, we got Mom a slice of Apple Crumb Pie, she's in piggy heaven.
This place started off as a artisanal bread shop and progressed into nirvana. I could eat here every day, for at least one meal (maybe even all three) a day!
Appetizer for 4 to share. There was also salad and freshly made oysters Rockefeller that got gobbled before I got to take a pic. My DH's cousin and wife went to the seafood store before we got here (in Florida) so she and I made quick work of whipping up a delicious meal!

Fresh Gulf of Mexico Grouper tomorrow night!
Creamy, tangy pasta sauce!

Last night I improvised on making a pasta sauce and, since it was delicious I thought I'd share the ingredients here. (A photo would not do it justice since the sauce part is mostly under the pasta.)

Boursin - capers - slow grilled (halved) baby plum tomatoes - chopped tender stem broccoli - pulled ham hock (bought) but would work with flaked cooked white/smoked fish and the farfalle (bow shaped) pasta.

Heat a large pan of water for the pasta. Meanwhile, I turned down a heated grill to a very low setting and placed the halved baby plum tomatoes, cut side up, to cook and dehydrate a little (concentrates flavour).

When the pasta is added to the salted water, to another pan - containing 1-2" of boiling water, I added chopped tender stem broccoli (on a medium heat) to semi-steam. Ensure it doesn't overcook - best al dente and still vibrant green.

When the pasta is almost cooked, I add a fair amount of boursin (to 3 oz of pasta about a third of the packet) stirred into the broccoli and their small amount of vegetable stock. Capers, first rinsed, to taste and then stir in the tomatoes. Lastly the ham (or fish). Add the drained pasta to this and mix in well.
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