I'm waiting to hear... if it went well you will be all over the internet soon!
This is all a bit wierd for me. Go make a dinner for 6 people you've never heard of, but who command hundreds and thousands of "followers" on instagram.
First thoughts: "what do I get out of it?"
I got to the place 2 hours early, ready to prep everything and cook as soon as the guests arrived.
"Where are the pans/saucepans/pots ?"
Oh, we haven't got any. Why?"
"How am I supposed to cook without pans?"
Oh, yeah...let me call the boss"
An hour later, the pots and pans arrived. 15 minutes until the guests appeared. "Rambo" mode. Boil water, fry onions, chop coriander and mint, fry vadas (like falafel, but Indian), prepare rice, poach veg, fry coconut, no colander, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Anyway, in good Venezuelan style, no-one arrived on time, so that gave me 30 minutes. Service was 30 minutes "late" but no-one seemed to notice.
When I was ready to plate... "
We need to make a video of you plating the food"
("it's going to get cold")
Plating done in record time, dishes served... and the "
influencers" were rabbiting on 10 to the dozen.
" You need to explain what they're going to eat"
Explained. Happy, happy people, i-phones flashing, blah, blah, blah.
Food going cold...
Never mind - they loved it.
Then a videoed interview, where was I from, what made me interested in Indian food, etc., etc.
Went in to speak with
"THE INFLUENCERS" once more. Wonderful, great conversation, lovely young people, lots of jokes, smiles, praise, etc.
Packed up all my stuff and drove home.
Sat in the front garden with a nice cigar and a beer and wondered what all this "i
nfluencer" crap is about.
THEN it dawned on me.
I'm 71, they're 35. Generation gap. WTF

*PS. I got a message from one of the young ladies today. Said all the food was spectacular and it was great meeting me. I expect I shall have 4,000,000 followers tomorrow. I might declare I'm the new Messiah of Indian food, who knows?