What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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I went bonkers in the produce (fruit & vegetable) section at the international market yesterday. No pics 'cause I'm lazy lately, but I'll try and remember:

Grapes, strawberries, blueberries, two kinds of apples, plums, peaches, cantaloupe, bananas, blackberries, cherry tomatoes, hothouse tomatoes, lettuce, kohlrabi, shallots, green onion, cucumber, pole beans, corn on the cob, cabbage, and I'm sure a couple of things I'm missing, and now I'm concerned we can't eat it all before it starts to turn!
Ha, ha. We had 1 of the purple globe ones grow a nose. Craig took a photo and posted it somewhere.

A "Wot no?" chad face of course 😂
What else could you possibly mean? 😇

The funny thing was…after taking that pic, I stayed in the area for quite a while, picking up this and that, and it seemed every third person picked it up and made some kind of joke. :laugh:
The funny thing was…after taking that pic, I stayed in the area for quite a while, picking up this and that, and it seemed every third person picked it up and made some kind of joke. :laugh:
Thing is it looks nothing like the other uniform sized aubergines in the pic so someone picking and packing let that go through and then the stacker and the managers let it out on display for the same reason 🍆😆
Thing is it looks nothing like the other uniform sized aubergines in the pic so someone picking and packing let that go through and then the stacker and the managers let it out on display for the same reason 🍆😆
Oh no, that was me. I picked it up, cradling it ever so gently, and placed it among the darker ones, just for contrast, then I tenderly put it back among its brothers, where it still stood out like a sore…thumb? :laugh:
I can’t believe I could have bought this yesterday and put it back:

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I actually like that one. Their 'jam tea' version they can stick where the sun don't shine but the biscuit tea - yes please. It's tea with a malted edge. I like it to the extent I bring a box out to Spain with me!
A little haul, so happy I can walk, painless, nevermind if walking was slower. After accompanying my Dad home after his GP, I bought:
Cherry tomatoes
Cookies for my daughter, she travels tomorrow
Coconut yoghurt
Gluten free bread
Bananas ( to bake a banana bread).

But I completely forgot the 3 things I had written down😁🤭
Paper towels
Soy sauce
Cleansing gel for the kitchen sink outlet
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